Chapter 23 future

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At Madam Pomfrey's insistence, Harry spent the next three days in the hospital wing, letting his magic recharge. In that time, he watched the aftermath of his actions unfold, and desperately wished he were older so he could properly take control of everything. Cedric placated him by pointing out how entertaining it was watching Dumbledore's fall from the sidelines.

The old man was well and truly losing his hold over everything, and it was so very satisfying to watch. True to his word, Snape was managing much of the school-related affairs, with McGonagall at his side, practically chomping at the bit to restore some semblance of order to the school. Thanks to Harry's words outside the maze, everyone in the school knew that something Voldemort-related had gone down that night, and the rumour mill was working overtime.

The first thing Harry did when Pomfrey let him go was release a statement to the Daily Prophet - he'd thought about using the Quibbler, but it just wasn't big enough for what he needed. He promised them a proper interview in the summer, and requested they keep speculation to a minimum, as the aurors were investigating things. But he dropped enough hints and implications for anyone with a brain to understand that Voldemort had not been as dead as they had been led to believe, but now he was, and once again Harry Potter was the reason for it.

The rest of the school were hounding him for answers from the second he stepped foot out of the hospital wing, and he managed it all the best he could - answering truthfully, but minimally, promising there would be more answers once the ministry investigation was through. Not that there was much to investigate, in all honesty; he'd left things pretty cut and dry. The real hold up was in Fudge and his aurors looking for any sort of alternate story to explain what had happened without admitting that the Dark Lord had attempted to return.

There was a nudge to Harry's side, and he snapped out of his thoughts, sitting up straighter in his seat and focusing on the woman speaking.

"Ladies and Gentleman of the Wizengamot," Amelia Bones, head of the DMLE, declared to the silent courtroom. "You have heard testimony from the accused under Veritaserum, and testimony from several witnesses. There is nothing left but to make a decision. All in favour of declaring the accused guilty?"

Barely a half-dozen hands rose.

"All in favour of clearing the accused of all charges?"

A wave of hands rose in the air. Harry held his breath. Madam Bones slammed her gavel down. "Lord Sirius Black, I hereby declare you innocent of all charges. You are required to register your animagus form before leaving the ministry today, but there will be no punishment for not doing so before now - I daresay twelve years in Azkaban is plenty. On behalf of the ministry and the Wizengamot, I would like to sincerely apologise for the miscarriage in justice dealt to you, and I can assure you there will be appropriate recompense, and a full investigation into your original arrest and imprisonment. If there is anything I personally can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask." A smile cracked the woman's stern facade. "Congratulations, Lord Black. You're a free man."

Down in the base of the courtroom, dressed in sharp grey robes, Sirius stared at her with shining eyes. "A free man," he repeated softly. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"Court dismissed!" Bones declared, slamming her gavel once more. Instantly, Harry vaulted the wooden barrier, racing towards Sirius and throwing himself at the man. Sirius caught him, spinning him around with a loud whoop.

"You're free!" Harry declared, once his feet were firmly back on solid ground. Sirius beamed at him, openly crying by now.

"I'm free. We can be a family, kiddo. Just like we were always meant to be."

"Congratulations, old friend," Remus said, crying too when he reached them. Sirius flung out one skinny arm, pulling him into the embrace.

"Moony," he breathed, and Remus hummed quietly, the sound more wolf than human.

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