Chapter: 0

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  While Alec was staring at the stars above a cigaratte smoke escaped his mouth. His light blue eyes staring at the sky above while he was zoning out until someone opened the door with a swift and easy move. The person sat down on the chair next to him, holding a bottle of liquor. Alec didn't seem too happy about it. He reached for the bottle and took it away from the boy.

"I was going to drink that."

  The boy said with gripping his arm as Alec tried to pull it away.

"It's too strong for you."
"You drink it all the time!"
"Because I don't get affected by it!"

  Alec pushed away Nathan's arm, the last sentence came out harsh. They went quiet before Alec pulled out another lemon scented cigaratte and handed it to Nathan.
"Start with this and we'll see wherever the night takes us. Alright?"
The boy's stubborn behaivour remained but he still took the cigaratte, placing it between his fingers and then in his mouth. Leaning forward and making it light up with the one between his lover's lips. The smoke of the poison they were inhaling became the starry night's clouds for them. The lemon scent filled their lungs. A small cough came came out from Nathan's mouth.

"Too strong?"
"No, no... I just choked on my own spit."

Alec simed and as they let the smokes of their cigarattes let them drift away from their troubles. The star looked at the spider for a moment. The earrings on his ears...

"Do you like the earrings because you like the design or because they were mine once?"

The younger smiled and looked back at the sky, remaining silent. The older smiled softly, his guess was correct.

"I told the stars about you..."
"What did they say, my love?"
"They told me that we will never fall apart."

They both knew it was a lie but just went with it.

"Can you look at another prophecy?"

The smile on Alec's face was faded away. "No." he said harshly.
"Why not?"
"You know I hate to do so."
"You hate everything!"
"Alec I didn't mean-"
"Look I am trying to have a nice moment with you and you are making it more difficult than it should be, stop being so annoying."

  Nathan fell silent and looked away. As the night was quieter than usual, a dripping sound came from somewhere too close.

"You fangs."
"What about them?"
"They are dripping poison."

  Nathan sighed and wiped his mouth onto his sleeve. As Alec finished his ciagratte, he popped open the liquor bottle. Taking a sip he felt his throat burn with the strong and disgusting taste. He didn't care. He had worse than that. The poison he always yearned for, from his lover's mouth. He could feel the stare from his boyfriend. When he lowered the bottle, he handed it to Nathan.

As Nathan took the bottle he drinked the rest in one go. His face didn't move an inch but when he put the bottle down more poison dripped frommhis mouth. Alec let out a sigh and wiped the poison dripping from his fangs, licking it afterwards.

"That was the last bottle you're having today."

Nathan sighed, taking a huge smoke from the cigaratte between his long and slim fingers.


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