Just For Her Chapter 8

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                                      -K-I-A-N- -L-O- -V-E-R-D-E-

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                                      -K-I-A-N- -L-O- -V-E-R-D-E-

Songs: just her by Nanida9, If I kill someone for you by Alec Benjamin

~ Kian's POV ~

I look over at her all the time, her blue eyes shining with fear and her orange/brown hair somehow always in her face. She's so beautiful with her small, petite body. I would literally do anything for her even though I've just met her. She doesn't talk much and seems scared something might happen when she does. I can still remember when I told her we we're going to Italy. She was so excited but she kept it hidden. She makes me smile unlike any woman has ever. I think I might be falling in love with her already.

When we get inside the house, her eyes are glimmering with wonder. I keep a straight face, not wanting anyone to see that I'm falling for her already. My brother comes up from behind and clasps his hand on my shoulder.

"Dio, I've missed this place." he sighs. I just nod in agreement. (God)

Theon walks away and I assume goes to his room as he takes the stairs to the second floor.

"Come with me." I say, looking down at Valencia. She nods obediently, almost too obediently. I take her to the third floor where her room is. I persisted on having her in my room but my mother said that it would be best if she had her own room so she could get warmed up to the house and everyone in it.

I take her to her room from the elevator knowing she could probably walk the stairs but I didn't want to tire her. We reach her room, which is the best on the floor, and I open the door to let her in. "This will be your room from now on. You can either call me, Theon or anyone else if you need anything."

"Thank you." she says quietly. I close the door behind me before looking down at her. She looks scared and I realize she thinks I'm going to try and have sex with her. I take my hand to grab her chin and she flinches which bothers me. It doesn't bother me that she does flinch, it bothers me that someone made her flinch whenever someone raises their hand to her. I take her chin softly and smile.

"You really are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I compliment. Her cheeks turn rosy making her even cuter. I sigh. "I guess this means I must leave."

She looks up at me, her blue eyes glossy. I leave her there as she looks around the room and go back to my office. The charcoal walls and black furniture reminds that I'm going to be king when I marry soon as I sit at my desk. Stress immediately over comes me as Alastor comes in.

Alastor has been my right hand man from the very beginning so I can trust him with anything. He sits down at his desk on the side and takes out his laptop.

"Have you found out any info about Ivan?" I ask seriously.

"No not really. The only I found so far was that a huge amount was transferred to his bank two years ago by Mrs. Lo Verde's parents." Alastor says, looking at his computer.

My head lifts up quickly from the papers I was looking at and I narrow my eyes on him. He looks over and smile sheepishly.

"We both know you like." He teases.

I close my eyes in defeat. "I do. Just- don't say that in front of anyone else." I sigh, putting my hand on my forehead and rubbing it.

"Yessir." He smirks.

"Kian!" I hear someone yell form outside the door. I get up taking my gun out from my jacket as my brother comes running in, looking at his laptop. I clench my jaw.

"Stronzo ingnorante non urlare cosi!" I bark, scaring him from his laptop. (You ignorant fuck, don't yell like that.)

"Sorry mr. big boss, but this is important." He says, rolling his eyes.

"What?" I say annoyed.

Theon sits down in one of the chairs in front of my desk and shows me his computer. The computer shows a footage of a man running from a building right before it explodes.

"What is this?" I question, annoyed with Theon explaining nothing.

"That's the coglione that we gave the money to for your wife." He explains. I look up at him, furrowing my brows. "I don't know either but he's alive still. I got this footage from one of the planes with supplies on it." (duechbag)

"Where is he now?"

"The spies say he somewhere on a plane coming here."

"Why is he going straight to where he wants to get killed?" Alastor asks, coming over to watch the video.

"I'd suspect he's coming for revenge, because you stole his pet." Theon says with a shrug.

My jaw ticks and I look up at him. "Send all the spies and a few of the men to get him and bring him here." I command.

"Dude, you can't send all of them." Alastor counters.

"And why not?" I question, leaning back in my chair.

"Because some of the other spies are already on a mission." Alastor says.

"That doesn't matter. If he's coming for Valencia, I'll do anything to keep her from him." I say, slamming my fist on the desk. Alastor swirls his tongue in his mouth. "Would you really want your future regina to be gone?" I ask manipulatively.

"No," he retracts.

"You'd really do anything for her." Theon says, joining the conversation once again.

"This is all just for her."

BTW guys, I changed Kian's brother's name to Theon if your confused! Love you 😁😘💕😁

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