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Tate's POV

I slowly open my eyes, blinking multiple times as the light hits me. Wait, where even am I right now? I try to move but feel something heavy on top of me; I look down at Carter, who is fast asleep. A smile appears on my face as I remember what happened last night, and I gently run my fingers through his hair but am disrupted by a notification on my phone. It's the news app, and the headline on the notification reads: Carter Hughes Spotted With Yet Another Gorgeous Girl

 It's the news app, and the headline on the notification reads: Carter Hughes Spotted With Yet Another Gorgeous Girl

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My heart drops as I read through the article and push Carter off me, disgusted by him. How could he do this? I trusted him... he... he... we had sex last night! And he cheated on me earlier in the day! He blinks his eyes open, adjusting to the brightness.

"Hey, Tate," He says with a smirk on his face, looking up and down at my naked body. Oh my god, I'm naked in front of my cheating boyfriend. I scramble around the room, trying to find my clothes and throw them on.

I glare back at him. "Don't you fucking 'hey' me." He looks confused as he digests my comment.

"What do you mean- we had a great night last night?"

"Maybe we did, but it was just ruined by you," I say, gathering my belongings and packing them in my bag; my back is turned towards him. "We're breaking up."


"We're breaking up," I repeat, the words now hitting me. I realize what I'm doing, and tears start pouring down my face.

"Tate, why? Are you okay?"
I spin on my heels to face him, throwing my hands in the air and revealing my red, puffy, crying face. "Carter, you just don't understand, do you?" I yell. "We don't work! I'm a singer, and you're a fucking hockey player! The two don't mix!"


"And girls are always chasing you! Hot, beautiful, gorgeous girls!" I say exasperatedly.

"You're hot, beautiful, and gorgeous-"

"Carter. We. Don't. Work. Why can you not get it through your head? It could never work; I'm just saving us the heartbreak."

"Tate, you're already breaking my heart."

I'm full-on balling now, at his words, at my choice, at this whole situation. "No, I'm not Carter! You can have any girl you want, and you choose me? I just can't trust that-"

"You can't trust me, Tate?"

"I can't trust your reputation, Carter. Because so far, all I have seen is girls, girls, and oh- girls!"

"Tate, I have not touched another girl in over 4 months, and you know it."

"Carter listen to me, it just won't work."

"It doesn't make sense, and even you know it doesn't. Are you scared? I'm right here, baby." He tries reaching out to me at the end of my bed, grabbing my hands, but I pull away, getting up to leave.

"I'm not scared, Carter, I just don't want the inevitable to happen."

"Tate, talk to me; what happened? Why are you getting upset?"

"Carter, you know what happened, you fucking cheater." I walk out the door, and tears threaten to pour again, but I keep them in, saving them for my bed.

Carter's POV

After Tate left, I sat in my bed for a while, just staring at my ceiling and crying. She's gone. And my mom will be gone soon. Who do I have left? I'm alone. I'm so alone. But why did Tate leave? I pick my phone up off the bedside table and unplug it, opening social media and scrolling through. Then I land on an article about myself from just this morning. It's about me with "another gorgeous girl." It's my fucking sister and I on the cover. Tate must have seen this and thought I was cheating. Oh my god, no, I have to tell her! I click into the messaging app, tap on her profile, and begin apologizing and explaining, but I am cut short by an incoming call from my sister. Weird. She usually doesn't call in the mornings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey, Carter," Her voice is sad and muffled as if she had been crying, and I immediately start panicking.

"Ella?! What's wrong with mom?"

"Carter, I'm gonna need you to sit down," she says calmly.

"No!" my voice cracks, and I fall to the floor, crying and shaking.

"It's going to be okay, Carter, she'll always be in our hear-" I slam the 'end call' button and storm to my bed, pulling the blankets over myself and falling into a deep cave.


Hiii! Sorry for not posting in so long! I've been super busy with school and everything. But how r u guys?? Also, I'm thinking of writing a Tate McRae x Marine (male) story. Would anyone be interested? I have a couple ideas for it! Let me knowwwww! Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to write the next one faster (that rhymed). I just realized that you might not have enjoyed this chapter that much. I feel so bad for Carter (saying this like I didn't write this story lol). What do you think is going to happen next? Love, L

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