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Tate's POV

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Tate's POV

"Ding Dong!" I hear the doorbell ring as I focus on putting my makeup on.

"One sec!" I yell across my apartment. I quickly finish putting my concealer on and rush to the door. I'm in only shorts and a sports bra, so I answer it by peaking out.

"Nate! Hey," I greet him. Nate stands awkwardly as he hands me a plastic grocery bag. Inside is Carter's away game jersey. I got Nate to bring it to me so I could surprise Carter. "Thanks for bringing this!"

"Anytime," He says back. "Is uh- is Olivia here?" His face turns bright red.

A smile grows on my face when I hear this. "She actually went to the store a while ago; you might pass her on the way out, though."

He nods and waves a small goodbye. I smile back and close the door. No fucking way did Nate just ask about Liv. She's gonna freak when she hears!

I go back to doing my makeup, and about 10 minutes later, I'm all ready. I slip into Carter's giant jersey. It's like a dress on me. God, it's ginormous. I'm wearing black leggings underneath, but, you know? I could just... take them off and just wear undies underneath. It wouldn't hurt, right? Oh my god, I might be absolutely fucked tonight. Carter's gonna go feral.

I hear the door open, and heavy footsteps come waltzing through the door. "I'm homeeee!" Liv sings. I run across the house, getting to her as fast as humanly possible.

"You are never going to fucking guess who just asked about you!" I squeal. She makes a jokingly questioning face.

"Was it... hmm... Nate?"

"You passed him, didn't you?" I say as I head to the kitchen to grab some water.

"Yeah, we talked a bit. He said he was excited to see me at the game today." I whip my head around at this.

"Liv, he is so in love! OMG!" She blushes at my comment, and I wrap my arms around her.

"He's so sweet to you. I think you guys would be great together." I say into her neck. She hugs me tightly for a couple more seconds and then lets me go.

"Okay, but we have to talk about your outfit," she looks me up and down and nods in approval. I'm wearing only his jersey and some tall black boots; the jersey seems even shorter than when I tried it on before. "Carter is gonna freak the fuck out."

"You think?" I say and raise my eyebrows. "Bitch I might freak the fuck out. I feel so naked."

"Tate," she grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes. "You are hot as fuck and are going to have a gorgeous man on his knees for you tonight."

I smirk and nod. "Eh, I kinda wanna be the one on my knees tonight."

Liv shrieks and slaps my arm playfully. "You gotta tell me how big it is tomorrow. I bet it's giant."

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