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December 1, 2023

December 1, 2023

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Liked by carterhughes and 128,010 others

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Liked by carterhughes and 128,010 others

tatemcrae felt hot + going out

carterhughes when's the wedding?

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carterhughes when's the wedding?

tatemcrae leave.

user9 CARTER HUGHES COMMENT?????????!!!!

oliviarodrigo gorg

tatemcrae xx

user3 new wallpaper

user5 damnnnnnn


tatemcrae EXCUSE ME??? SAYS YOU

user1 im gay for u.

user1 im gay for u

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carterhughes posted to story

2 hours ago


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Tate's POV

I walk into the bar, looking for the familiar 6'4" hockey man who somehow convinced me to show up. I've dated hockey boys in the past, and it has not turned out well; the last one cheated, and Carter will more than likely do the same. But truth be told - I showed up tonight out of my own will to see his stupidly gorgeous face again. 

I spot him out of the corner of my eye; he's standing about 20 feet away at a small table in the center. He's smiling at his phone, possibly texting a girl. Great! Already. I make my way over, walking through a maze of gyrating bodies. Carter looks up from his phone and makes immediate eye contact with me; he looks me up and down and then starts walking towards me.

"Hey," he says in a husky voice that sends chills down my back. No, no, no. We're not going there already. "You look... nice."

I roll my eyes at him. "Gee, thanks, I thought you were the one that asked me out."

"No," He counters. "I mean it, you do." He lowers his voice when he says the next part. "I just can't say what I wanted to here."

"Oh really?" I purposefully make my voice louder. "What did you wanna say?"

He just sits down at the table and takes his phone out.

I give him a pointed look and then head to the bar.

Carter's POV

I'm scrolling through Tate's Instagram like I have been for the past day when she comes back, double-fisting with a drink in one hand and a beer in the other.

When she handed over the beer, I chugged half of it and set it on the table, making a show out of it.

She raises her eyebrows at me and laughs. "You must be thirsty."

"Thirsty for you," I say back quickly. Her eyebrows shoot up, and she starts coughing on her drink. Damn, she's cute.

"Carter-" She says in between coughs. "you- can't say that." I start laughing while she's sitting there coughing.

Tate's coughing fit dies down, and we eventually get into talking. We talk more about her singing career than my hockey career. She asks me questions, and I answer; I ask her questions, and she answers. It's almost 1 am when we decide it's time to go. We're both more than a few drinks deep, and she is giggling nonstop. Literally, anything could make her laugh right now, and I kinda like it. She has the prettiest smile. It lights up the whole room.

Tate's POV

Oh my god, I'm drunk. My bracelet keeps coming off, and I kind of wanna fuck the man sitting across from me. That's how I know I'm drunk.

While trying to get my bracelet back on and staying on my wrist for the tenth time, it drops to the ground in front of Carter. I slowly bend down, alcohol messing with my mind. I get on my knees and bend down to pick it up. I look back up at Carter under my eyelashes and meet his eyes directly. His eyes are foggy with desire, and I know that I'm absolutely screwed.

Breakaway || Tate McRae + Hockey RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now