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"I got in!" I wave my arm for my mom's attention and sign it again. "I got in! I'm going to UA!" Her face errupts into a smile as she grabs my shoulders and starts jumping up and down with me. The noise of us banging around, and, I assume, my mom's screams bring my brother Michael into the room.

"-  going -?" He doesn't sign the words, and it puts a slight damper on my mood. he knows I can't hear him, so why does he expect me to just some how understand what he says? I mean, sure, I can semi read lips, but some are harder to read than others, his especially.

Mom turns to talk to him, and suddenly, I'm shut out. No one's signing, no one's facing me, and I no longer have any idea what's happening. I assume she's telling him I made it, but honestly, you'd think me being Deaf for the last nine years would help them understand the things I need in order to follow the conversation. My ears pin to my skull and I wait, hoping for someone to tell my what's being said. 

Mom's demeanor changes, signaling that the conversation has steered away from the good news, and into the "My brother's crazy friends", and I take the cue to leave.

I head up to my room and open my Skype. After a few rings, my best friend Nala picks up with some very enthusiastic waves.

"Have you heard back yet? Did you make it? If you didn't, I'll fly down there myself and give those heroes a piece of my mind."

I laugh at her constant energy, and I can feel my tail and ears perking up.


MHA: Entrance examsWhere stories live. Discover now