day one finished

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I can't wait to go home. The classes were fun, but attempting to lip-read to understand the conversations Jenna wasn't interpreting has given me a huge migraine, and all I want to do is crawl into my comfy bed with the lights off and rest in the dark. I'm packing my things when Jenna taps my desk to get my attention. When I look up the spiky haired boy is back. He grins at me before turning and introducing himself to my interpretor. She saigns along, unaware that I've already met him. He watches her hands in fascination as she gives him her name and asks what he needs.

"Oh, I - - ask - I - -" His sharp toothed mouth doesn't allow me to lip read very well, and I was so focused on trying, I forgot to watch Jenna's hands. I turn to her, hoping she's still signing, but she's staring at him with this confused expression. Kirishima repeats his question and this time she signs the word "teach". He turns and points at me, then repeats the sign she's just shown him, and then points at himself. Wait. He wants to learn?


His eyes don't leave my face as Jenna interprets for the both of us.

"Because I want to talk to you. So, will you teach me?" He signs the last question along with her, and a smile breaks out over my face.


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