Here we go

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I'm the first one in class. Not because I'm a teachers pet, but because I just got out of a meeting with my parents and the principal, to discuss my "Disability". I hate it when they call it that. Yes, I can't hear, but that doesn't mean I'm any less of a person than those who can. Not that I'm saying those who have Disabilities are less than, I just don't like thinking of it like that. Anyway, I made it to class first, which means I get first pick of the seats. I pick one in the front so I can better see my interpreter. Jenna, I think her name was? She seemed nice the first time I met her, but first impressions aren't everything. I mean, you can't just read the first chapter of a book and then just decide it's terrible. You need at least ten chapters before you can decide it's actually bad.

Kids start spilling in, and I look for any faces I recognize. There's the blonde boy with what appears to be a permanent scowl and hair that looks like a bomb went off in it, (Didn't he have explosive powers? Bomb hair = explosion boy who nearly killed me in the entrance exam) and the cute frog girl, some short guy I don't know, (And from the way he's looking at Cuties chest, I don't think I want to) And several others I've never seen before. I lower my tail as little-perv walks by, and watch as he face plants before he can reach out and grab the butt of a girl with huge breasts and a bored expression. He whirls around, and I use my light quirk to mar my figure, making sure he doesn't see who it was. He looks around for a minute before seeing an open seat near one of the girls, and races off to claim it. I release my illusion after he's safely gone with a sigh. How did a perv like him make it into the hero course?

Bored of people watching, I open my book back up. I'm currently reading one about a boy who's never seen a girl before. It's pretty interesting, and all the male characters thoughts float above their heads like clouds! Todd's story pulls me in, and when the hand tapping my desk brings my attention to the real world I stare at the boy it belongs to for a few seconds before I realize he's trying to talk to me. He's got spiky red hair, and I note a small scar over his right eye. He smiles enthusiastically at me as he talks, his mouth moving in exaggerated movements which is odd, because he doesn't know I'm Deaf, so maybe it's just the way he talks? He pauses expectantly and I put my pointer finger on my cheek near my ear and then move it next to my mouth. The American Sign for Deaf, but he just tilts his head, a confused smile on his face. He starts talking again, this time asking questions no doubt, and panic starts in my gut. I've always had trouble talking to people, even if they used sign like I did. People aren't my thing, which I guess is ironic because I signed up for the hero course, a course where you learn to save people and be near a lot of them. I look around frantically for Jenna, but she's not here yet. Is she waiting for the last goddamn minute?! She was supposed to be here hours ago, that's part of what the meeting was for!

Seeing no rescue from my so far absent interpreter, I open my note book and write I'm deaf on it before turning it to face the boy in front of me. Understanding crosses his face, and he searches for a pen in his bag.

cool! I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I read this. I know he doesn't mean it in a bad way, but Hearing people always do this! I start to reach for the book back, but I see him frantically writing. sorry, i didnt mean that! i just meant, well im not sure what i meant. its not cool you cant hear. unless you think it is. i dont know. um anyway my name is eijiro kirishima whats yours?

I grin at his obvious panic that he's offended me, and I log his name in my memories. Eijiro Kirishima. I wonder how you pronounce that.

Alice Crevan. It's okay, I know you didn't mean anything offensive by it. Relief washes over his face, and I see his lips move, repeating my name.

its pretty.

Thanks. I follow this up with the sign for thanks, my hand at the bottom of my mouth like I've just heard (Seen?) juicy gossip, and then bringing it down like I blew a kiss. He watches me carefully and repeats it a couple times.

Before either of us can say anything else, Jenna flies through the door, nearly knocking over a sweet looking, round-faced girl.

Her lips and hands move in sync as she says;

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off!" Is she the school-girl? What grown adult sleeps in? Right as I think that there's a commotion by the door, and I turn to see a disheveled looking man stepping out of a used to be bright yellow sleeping bag. I say used to be, because it is now a very unsettling faded yellow that sets my fur on edge. Jenna takes her place at his side, causing every eye to watch her as she does her job.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa-"

MHA: Entrance examsWhere stories live. Discover now