Character Introduction

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Alice Crevan:

Age: 16

Birth date: 2/14

Eye color: yellow.

Hair color: black.

Her mom is fully American, while her father is half Japanese, half Australian.

Quirk: Light.

She can manipulate light into anything she wants. She can use it to create illusions, use it to create crystals {think Ms. Marvel in the T.V. show, which, by the way, is completely horrible! It's an okay storyline, but nothing like the comics. And why the fuck (pardon my french) would they change her powers? What happened to her 'embiggen'?! It infuriates me that they can completely change the characters and still say it was based off of something. I'm looking at you Percy Jackson movies, and that new 'My Lady Jane T.V. series. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk. Bye.} She can also make light tangible. There's other stuff she can use it for as well, but I don't know how to put it into words.

She has wolf ears and a tail from her father, who is no longer in the picture.

Favorite food: Fettucine alfredo.

Least favorite: Citrus {courtesy of being part wolf}.

Favorite things: Reading, puzzles, forensics science, learning new things, drawing, matchmaking for her friends, watching movies, doing friend's hair,.

Least favorite things: crowds, places where she can't be alone, people who only talk to her interpreter instead of talking to her, people who think talking with exagerated or loud words will help her hear, just people in general, washing her tail, getting her tail caught in the door, fashion {she just doesn't understand it, and honestly, same.}.

She was born in America, but lived in Japan for a lot of the first years of her life because that's where her dad's family lived. After 'The Incident' that caused her to go deaf {don't ask}, they stopped visiting. They decided to move back after about ten years for a job opportunity.

She has an older brother named Michael, who is nineteen. He inherited their mother's quirk, which allows him to make anything appear in his hands, as long as he knows where it is {think conjurers from kotlc}. He got in trouble his first year of high school for stealing.

Special move: Crystalize {better name coming}: her wolf parts turn completely into crystals, eyes turn white, hair goes silver, and the light she grabs turn into shards of unbreakable gems that she throws. Once she's taken the villian down, she throws the gems into a shape around them and they grow, turning into a cage that is impossible to escape from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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