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ϟ 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝟎𝟒/𝟑𝟎/𝟏𝟐 ϟ

ELLIE had gotten much more used to her new hair, as had all of her friends. When she had strolled in last Monday, nearly late due to an argument with her father, she was certainly met with shocked looks.

She wasn't sure exactly that the hair was to blame, but Patty had left her alone ever since getting it in a locker. It was probably that the juniors had been studying for the ACT, but regardless, she was grateful.

In fact, the new and improved Ellie even bent the rules a little bit. She had begun to use Principal Perry's elevator with Leo, as it was much easier getting to her French class with it.

So far, the two hadn't even got caught. Until today, of course.

She and Leo had taken the elevator back down after French, enjoying the elevator music it played. For a literal she-devil, Ellie had to admit that Perry had good taste in music.

As the elevator door opened, she looked ahead to see Principal Perry turning around and spotting them.

"Uh, Leo-"

"Dooley! Reeves!" Perry interrupted, "What are you doing in my elevator?"

"I'm enjoying the music. Today is 'love songs from the nineties'," Leo told her. "Wanna dance?"

"Use the stairs!" she scolded the two. "This is exactly how healthy kids become unhealthy adults."

Ellie's eyes widened as she looked Perry up and down.

"Really? Are we having this conversation?" Leo spoke exactly what Ellie happened to be thinking.

"For your information, I'm a speed walker. Perhaps you've seen me at the Mission Creek Mall giving the shoppers a little eye candy?"

"I guess old people need something to ogle at," Ellie shrugged as Perry ran off.

"Listen up space-fillers! This is emergency-preparedness week. An emergency drill can happen at any time, so when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion -- like cattle if cattle had acne and braces and a future filling up my gas tank," Perry announced.

"I'm surprised 'emergency preparedness week' makes the budget cuts," Ellie muttered to Leo, who laughed along with her. "I'm gonna go catch up with Andy."

She walked towards Andy, who was at her locker.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Oh, hi," Andy smiled. "Patty been giving you any trouble lately?"

"No, but I can't wait until she does. I won't take it anymore. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I fight back," Ellie chuckled.

"Just let me know so I can take a picture to memorialize it," Andy joked, shutting her locker as the two of them went to lunch.

ϟ 𝐓𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝟎𝟓/𝟎𝟏/𝟏𝟐 ϟ

"I don't think I understood a single word she said," Ellie told Leo as the two stepped into the elevator.

"I hate when Vice Principal Cochran does teacher evaluations. They always pretend they're actually teaching us the stuff they should be and the whole class is lost."

"I heard her say oui once and that was literally all I picked up," the blonde rolled her eyes, selecting the ground floor.

Suddenly, the pair both flinched as the fire alarm went off.

Voltage ϟ Adam Davenport ϟWhere stories live. Discover now