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2000 words!

No proof reading, Ignore the mistakes.

Read and enjoy!❤


"Friends are the siblings we choose for ourselves."


As I approached Anjali, my heart raced with anticipation. After what felt like an eternity of misunderstandings and pent-up anger, seeing her again filled me with relief and joy. She was sitting in the lounge.
"Anjali!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.
Anjali's eyes softened as she looked at me, her lips curving into a hesitant smile. "Siya," she said softly.
I immediately ran to her and hugged her. I was feeling so happy to see her after so long. Breaking the hug I held her hand in mine.
"How have you been?" I asked, my voice tinged with emotion.
Anjali's smile grew wider, she lowered her eyes for a minute and nodded positively. "I've been good, Siya. And you?"
"I've been better now that I see you," I admitted, a sense of relief washing over me. It was true, I was missing her this days.
Anjali nodded, her eyes held some kind of hesitation as she spoke.
"And how's your son?" she inquired. Her eyes were filled with excitement.
"He is good, and getting naughtier day by day. I am just tired of running behind him." I said and she laughed lightly.
"He must be with Papa, Come." I took her inside the house and I was right Papa has made him ready and brought him to living room.
"Papa, see who has came! “Papa kept Adi down on the carpet and looked at us. He smiled at Anjali and she greeted him. Adi was staring at her with his big curious eyes making her chuckle. He might have forgotten her since he saw her only two times that too when he was young.
Anjali spread her arms in front of Adi bending lightly waiting for him to come to her. Adi immediately left his toys and crawled to her who lifted him in her arms and kissed him lovingly, Her eyes held so much love. Anjali cradled him in her arms so carefully and admired him, her whole attention was on him. I felt little hurt by seeing her becoming so emotional, I understand what she might be going through now. Seeing Advik can satisfy her motherly heart a little but it will worsened her pain more by reminding her of the truth that she can't give birth.
If this would have happened a few months ago then I would be so scared to even let my son near her. But, not now I trust her that she won't take him away from me.
"Siya beta, I have some work I will be home by evening." He said.
I nodded and He went to get ready.
Anjali got up with Adi in her arms and came towards me.
I poked Adi's chubby cheek to gain his attention. He turned towards me and flashed his charming smile at me."Do you remember who is she?" I asked, he looked confused hearing my question and looked between two of us.
Anjali laughed and said. “Oh god! He is so cute. Did you notice, His smile is same as yours." She said.
I huffed, thank god at least some one noticed a little bit of similarity of us. Otherwise everyone is going on chanting that he is a Xerox copy of Arjun.
"Thank goodness at least you said that he has taken over me on something."
She giggled hearing me and Adi also giggled with her.
"You sit, I will bring something for you to drink!" She nodded and sat with Adi still on her lap playing with her bracelet which he found as a interesting thing.
He literally finds everything as interested and proceeds to eat it.
I went to the kitchen to prepare something for her when Arjun came inside freshly showered, his hair still wet.
He took out the water bottle from the fridge and drank it. I went towards him to take out the fruits to make juice. I signaled him to move away from my eyes but he didn't, He just stood there staring at me.
I pushed him lightly from my way and taking the fruits out I placed it on the slab and began to peel it with the knife.
"Why are you standing here? Don't you have any work?" I asked.
He ignored my words and was busy looking around the kitchen searching something, By the time I was finished making the juice.
He stopped his searching and came towards me standing beside me. I looked at him irritated. Don't know what he wanted.
I poured the juice into a glass and turned to get the tray but before that Arjun took the glass in his hand and said. "Thank you."
My mouth opened in shock and I immediately snatched the glass from him.
"What the hell!" He exclaimed.
I glared at him keeping it back. "What the hell were you doing ah!?" I asked.
He frowned before saying. “Wasn’t it for me?"
"And why do you think I would prepare it for you?" I raised my brows at him questioning.
"Siya! I am hungry." He said.
My eyes softened hearing him say that, He must have not even had anything last night.
"I will bring you something to eat-"
I stopped when I remembered that I haven't informed him about Anjali.
"Oh! I totally forgot it. Anjali has came!" I said.
He eyes widened and he asked excited. "What? When? Where is she!?"
"She is in living room with Adi." I said and the next moment he was out.
I also went behind him taking the juice in my hand.
As soon as Anjali saw him She kept Adi down and hugged him tightly, I can see how much she was missing him. Arjun was in hospital when she last time met him, her state was so miserable when she had seen him like that. I shook my head not to think about it as it bought back so many memories that was horrible.
I placed the glass on the table and taking Adi with me I left to give them some space.
I went to the kitchen with him in my arms to prepare his food, he has started his solids but he doesn't like to have it much and always insists on drinking breast milk.
I yelped when he pulled my hair. I gripped his hand and glared at him, He showed me his heart melting smile and leaning in kissing my cheek and let his lips stay there a while.
I chuckled at his act and continued to do my work while he continued his blabbering in his own language. I peeked out of the kitchen to see them talking with each other, I smiled seeing Arjun smiling heart fully. It's been so long since I saw him smile like that.. it was like his smile was snatched away from him all this months.
He surely missed Anjali.
I took the prepared food in a bowl and made Adi sit in his high chair.
He groaned not willing to sit in it, but I stopped him and gave him a toy to play with as I feed him.
I took the spoon near his mouth and he opened his mouth silently concentrated on his toy, but it didn't work for long.
"Hmmm.. Naaawww..." He screamed turning his face away refusing to take it making me sigh. He always does that, He just eats few spoons and his tantrums gets started.
"Adi.. eat it baby, just two spoons see." I showed him the bowl but he shook his head rapidly.
''Adi!" I spoke in a stern voice which didn't accept him a bit also as he kept looking at his toy. I took it away from his hand and he started to cry, fake cry!
"Ahhhhhhhh.." He screamed crying, stretching his hands towards it.
"First finish it, then only I will give it to you!" I said forwarding the spoon.
He stared at me and at the spoon back and took a little of it into his mouth and made a churning face making me surprised.
Arjun also used to do the same when I would make him eat something which he doesn't like. Same as Arjun. I glared at him in anger because of jealousy.
He continued doing it making me tired. I couldn't even scold him because of his cute heart melting face and top to that if I did also he will start wailing loudly and doesn't stop until all the members in the house scold me for making him cry.
"What happened Siya?" I heard Anjali asking coming towards us.
I gave her a tired look and pointed towards  Adi who was having fun in troubling me.
"Ask this little man over here." I said.
She chuckled and bent down to his level ruffling his hair. “Are you troubling Mama?" She asked to which he kept staring at her.
"Why don't you eat your food? See Mama is sad!" She cooed to him hoping that he will listen but I know this little devil who doesn't budge.
I pouted making a sad face when he looked at me. His expressions was hilarious making Anjali chuckle.
"Siya, I have to leave." She said.
"Why? You have came now only! No, You are staying here for today that's it."
Don't know why she is leaving now only, I thought she will stay with us for some time more, So We can spend some time.
"I can't Siya-" I interrupted her before she could complete her words.
"I don't want to listen to anything, You are not going!" I retorted.
Still she looked at me like saying me to understand. "Please Anjali, Stay here some more days. I want to spend some time with you." I said holding her hand trying to convince her. She shook her head and said.
"I am going to US Siya, I came to meet you all before going."
"When?'' I asked. She sighed before saying. "Tomorrow. My husband has some work there, so I am also going with him."
I nodded disheartened. I did not wanted to send her off. "Don't be sad, I will be back soon!" She said trying to cheer me up.
I smiled nodding, she stood up taking Adi in her arms kissing and bidding him bye she went to Nana and Nani took their blessings. I and Arjun walked her till the car.
Somewhere I had blamed her for what I went through during my pregnancy. But later I realized that she is not at fault entirely.. It was mine and Arjun fault that we failed to understand each other in a right way and solve our problem.
And about forgiving Arjun, I think he is slowly making me do that by his behavior. I know he is regretting and it is enough for me to advance towards him and I have understood that no one is going to be in peace if we continue our grudge.
 Arjun's hand on my shoulder jolted me out of my thoughts. I turned to see him looking at me with concern. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, his voice gentle.
I shook my head, silently conveying that I didn't want to discuss it. We both went inside the house.
"Where is Advik?" He asked. I pointed towards Nanu who was struggling to feed him and looked back at Arjun.
"See, how your son is throwing tantrums while eating." I said. He looked at me and said in a grumpy manner. “So, he becomes my son whenever he is annoying ah!?"
I hide my smile and replied." Of course, he has taken this happen by you only isn't it?"
He gave me a disbelief look as I walked to Nanu and took Adi from him before Handing him to Arjun with his bowl.
"Take him and feed him yourself!"
Arjun took the bowl from me and walked outside with Adi in his arm to feed him.
I couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked as I recalled my father's words.

He gave me a disbelief look as I walked to Nanu and took Adi from him before Handing him to Arjun with his bowl.
"Take him and feed him yourself!"

Arjun took the bowl from me and walked outside with Adi in his arm to feed him.

I couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked as I recalled my father's words.

I couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked as I recalled my father's words

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The scene where Arjun asks forgiveness from Siya is coming ahead! Wait for it!

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