part 6: good night ml🌝

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after finishing brushing maddox's hair and him putting the moisturizer on his face they both sat down on different sides of the bed and tried to pick a movie. "how about the original sandlot movie?" maddox asks. l"seen it to many times" maddy complains throwing herself backwards into a pillow. "ooo how about the notebook?" maddy says. "the what" maddox asks. "ong we have to watch the notebook its sooo good and sooo sad" she says. "what i don't wanna watch a sad movie" he says. "to bad" maddy says so she turns on the notebook and the both watch it still sitting pretty far away from eachother. as the movie ended maddy bawled her eyes out. "did they die?" maddox asks. "yes and they became the birds" maddy cry's out. "oh bc of the beach sence" he asks. "yess" she explains as he hugs her feeling bad that she was crying because of a movie. "it's actually pretty sad" maddox admits. but the hotel door started to open. "omg maddy honey are you okay?" mrs batson asks running over to maddy and maddox because maddy was crying. "yeah we just watched the notebook" maddy says laughing between tears. "oh that movies so sad!" she explains. "you know me and maddox's dad went and saw that in theaters as ohr first date and i cried and cried that movies so sad" mrs batson says. "oh wow" maddy says. "how was the bar with your friends?" maddox's sweet voice speaks from behind me unraveling his arms from around me. "great it was amazing to see josh a dahna" his father speaks. "oh i'm glad" maddox says. "ohh i remember them the ones from collage right?" maddox asks remembering story's he had hard about them. "yes" his mother answered picking out pjs from her suit case.

"i'm gonna shower really fast i'll be back" him mom says "okay!" maddy and maddox both say. they both where sitting really close now after maddox had hugged maddy so they both layed down and tucked the sheets up scrolling though tiktok on maddy's phone after like 10 minutes his mom came out of her shower and got in bed and then maddox's dad showered and got in bed with his wife. about 30 minutes later both maddox's parents where sleeping.

and maddox and maddy where just laying next to eachother in comfterble silence watching maddys phone, but maddy had started to fall asleep "i'm tired" she mumbles. "then let's go to sleep my love" he says. "are you sure i'll stay up if you want" maddy says. "no let's go to sleep maddy you seem tired" he says. "okay thanks" maddy says putting her phone on the night stand and closing her eyes soon falling into a deep sleep.  the next morning maddy woke up feeling strong arms wrapping around her.  she sees that maddox's mom is awake. "goodmorning" she tells mrs batson. "goodmorning love!" mrs batson says. "be we have a show today?" maddy asks her "yes but its at 12 and then we are planning on going to the mall maybeee" she says. "ohh okay should me and maddox start getting ready?" maddy asks. "you don't need to home they got people to do you hair and make up and outfits so we just gotta leave around 9:30" she says. "ohh okayy" maddy says as maddox starts to wake up abit. "goodmornin" he says in a tired southern voice. "goodmorning maddox" both girls say in unison. "okay once maddox's dad is up we can leave" his mom told maddy and himself. "okay" maddox says laying his head next to maddys still having his arm wrapped around her. about 20 minutes later maddox's dad wakes up and they head out to the place.

once they get there maddy and maddox take there warm up voice lesson and then go to get changed. once maddy and maddox get dressed, they go to hair and make up. after maddox finished getting his hair done and went to go help zach because zach had asked him for some help on stuff. and maddy was still getting her hair curled but

10 minutes later maggie came down to talk with her. "hello love" maggie says sitting next to maddy while maggie's make up artist gets stuff out. "hey mags!" maddy says smiling. "so are you and maddox dating yet?" she asks maddy. as both make up artists look at each other with a smerk. "no and he doesn't like me" maddy says. "did he tell you that?" maggie asks. "no.." maddy says as her make up artist starts on her make up. "then how do you know"maggie says smerking "i just do!" maddy says laughing. during the time maddy and maggie where jsut having small convo and that's about it.


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likes by, maddoxbatson, masonthames, thelandongordon and 11.4k others
maggierodgers: mwah mwah 😽😽 ! i love my girl @madeleinemcgraw !!


maddox had been staring at this
photo for alittle to long....
no your lying
i'm sure he has been😏

bro @madeleinemcgraw where
was my invite🌚
you don't visit so you dont
get one😁
damn maddy..😔

awhh i miss my little
maddy baby!❤️
miss you too momm!!🤍

heyy maggie!!

ahhh love you maggie
can't wait to see tonight's
ahhh can't wait to see you too
lily rose!!❤️

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