╰ hairstyle

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credits: enkvyu

link: https://www.tumblr.com/enkvyu/726370245591318528/babe-i-messed-up-we-gotta-go-bald-no-you?source=share


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"babe i messed up, we gotta go bald."

"no!" you grab onto the electric buzzer and fight against him, holding gojo back. "wait, let's think this through!"

"look at my hair, it's horrible! i can't go out like this!" your boyfriend whines and though he resists your pull, you know he isn't putting force behind the gesture.

"you look..." you yank your eyes away from his head, suddenly struggling to look at him. "fine."

"you paused!"

"it's fine, gojo!"

"it's not! if my lover can't even look at me without laughing, what are my students going to think?" gojo checks himself out in the mirror of your apartment's bathroom, turning his head side to side to observe the lousy slash he had given himself.

"their opinion of you can't go any lower." you reassure him. "and it's fine, really. just, put down that shaver, that's it, put it down on the counter and i can fix your mess for you."

gojo gives you a wary look but eventually relaxes his hold. you pick up the shaver and the handle is still warm from his touch. turning it on, you let the hum of the device fill the silence.

after gojo had decided to abandon his glasses for a blindfold, he realised simply letting his hair grow out in whatever direction would not cut it anymore, else he wanted to look ridiculous.

when he complained to you, you absentmindedly told him to get a haircut without thinking of the consequences of your actions. of course gojo wouldn't just go to a barber, of course gojo would think he could style his own hair and of course gojo would pick the worst haircut, making the first move without another thought. and now, after running the shaver a few centimetres up from the nape of his neck, the both of you realised that he should never be allowed near a electric shaver ever again.

you exhale. "okay, i've got this."

gojo looks at you through the mirror. "don't stress. worst case scenario, i can just buzz everything off."

you stare at him. "i cannot love you if you're bald."


"what's with the look? would you love me if i was bald?"

gojo doesn't even hesitate. "yes!"

that makes you feel guilty. you don't comment on the topic any more, instead channelling your attention to the shaver in your hands and the white hair above your boyfriend's head.

"hey, don't ignore me. you wouldn't love me if i was bald? what's next, you wouldn't love me if i was a worm?"

you bite your lip to stop your face from contorting into a grimace. "i'm trying to focus here."

"and i'm trying to make sure there's still love in our relationship." he turns around and looks at you. "do you love me?"

looking at him, a small smile slips through your disgusted expression. your boyfriend was regularly annoying, but there were times when his childish behaviour was more endearing than irritating. this was one of those rare times.

"yeah, i do." you admit.

"prove it."


his hand closes around yours, the one holding the buzzer. "i'm going bald."

"no you're not!"

"this is my hair, i get to decide what to do with it!"

"gojo!" you quickly reach over and unplug the shaver. "let's be rational!"

he looks at you with bleary eyes. "i love you."

"me too, which is why i can't let you go bald."

"you're lying. if you loved me, it wouldn't matter how much hair i have on my scalp."

you sigh, rubbing a hand over your face. when you peek through your fingers, gojo is still giving you a wounded look. "okay fine, i would still love you if you went bald. it honestly doesn't matter to me, but is this what you really want?"

"and if i was a worm?"

you look away, busying yourself with tidying your already tidy sink. "are you going bald or not?"

"answer my question." his hand wraps around yours. "you can't leave here until you give me a response i can accept."

you try to shake him off. "i'm not backing down on this, i will not love you if you turned into a worm."

"i would—"

"no you wouldn't! how would you kiss me if i was small and slimy?"

he pauses. "i don't need to kiss you to show my love, it's just a side benefit."

"okay, and what about our species difference? what if i find a handsome worm and fall in love with him? he would treat me better since we're both worms."

"i would keep you in a cage so that you'd never meet another worm." he says, completely serious.

"is that what love means to you?"

"i'll fill the cage with all your favourite things!" he brings your hand up to his cheek and presses against it, littering kisses onto your palm when you don't react. "it's also to keep you safe! you'd be completely defenseless as a worm."

"well, if you were a worm i wouldn't be able to keep you safe. you're the strongest, if you can't protect yourself then how could i?"

"that's something different. i wouldn't be the strongest, i would be a worm."

"an unlovable one."

he drops your hand and grabs the electric shaver before you can. "i'm going bald."

you don't stop him this time. "fine, go ahead. but when you're hairless i am not taking the blame for this. if you even start to complain to me i will plug both my ears and walk away. that means if your students take photos of you and spread it like the plague, i won't stop them."

"i knew it." gojo says after a moment's silence. "you don't love me anymore."

"if there was ever a time that i did."

"when did you start falling out of love?"

this was slowly getting out of hand. "gojo."

"when i ate your chcolate? i apologised, what else do you want from me? want me to kneel?"


"is it because i used your expensive skincare? i was curious because it came in a little pipette thing and i wanted to squeeze it real bad."

you hiss. "i knew that was you."

"you seriously believed me when i told you it wasn't me? we live together and we live alone, who else would it be?"

a humourless chuckle escapes your lips. perhaps gojo detects your intentions before you can act on them with his six eyes, because he freezes, backing up against the edge of your sink.

in his fear, you yank the shaver out of his hand and flick the power switch back on. the buzz fills the air.

"you're going bald."

"i was just kidding! i don't want to be bald!" gojo leaps out of his chair and heads for the door. unfortunately, you grab onto his shirt and pull him back.

when gojo walks out of your bathroom a few hours later, his head is lighter than when he first entered. 

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