5. The plan

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Dazzling crystal chandeliers lit the pristine marble floor of the ballroom from grand high ceilings. The orchestra was playing splendidly, their music weaving through the gloriously dressed guests.

First, she had to find her target.

Before Leticia found her choice, Iris would present hers.

Get the potion dissolved in some wine.

Next, greet target with drinks in hand. Offer the gentleman a drink and hand him the dosed wine.

Make a toast so that he would drink looking into her eyes.

And when the man is well under the effects of the potion, lead him to one of the retiring rooms prepared for the attendees and finalise the deal.

Now, where was he…?

Iris stood in the doors leading into the ballroom searching around the large room.

Yes, there he was!

As Matthias had described, her target was on older gentleman. He was speaking to other gentlemen of his calibre quite ways from the entrance.

Earl Nicholas Selma.

He served in the royal court and was forty-five years of age. Since he had been parted from his wife some twenty years ago, there has been no fiancée or rumours of a mistress. He had a nice personality, dressed well and neatly, he had no bad rumours surrounding him or heavy debts. Yet, he was still single.

The young ladies were not attracted to his sober appearance because, he wasn't rich or handsome, and neither did he have outstanding abilities.

At that moment, there were no young ladies in light coloured dresses near him.

But Matthias had told her he was looking for a wife.

‘If you chose the Earl Selma, he would probably agree with the conditions you seek.' Matthias had told her.

If he was gentle, he probably would not look down on Iris' lace making work. Rather than thinking of how he would provide for his young wife after his passing, her work will be welcome as an additional source of income.

And there was the added benefit of having the backing of the Marquis Reinfeldt.

Iris agreed with Matthias that he would be a good match.

Now she knew where he was, she had to get a glass of wine…

Iris abandoned her hesitancy and guilt, with her target gentleman in her sights, the next thing was to carry out her plan. She glanced in direction of Leticia; she was smiling and speaking to her popular gentlemen admirers.

She needed the plan to succeed!
With this in mind, she headed for the buffet table where a scrumptious feast and drinks was laid out for guests to enjoy at their leisure. On her way, she bumped into Lady Francesca Braunfels, daughter of the Duke of Braunfels.

‘Lady Iris, how lovely to see you here tonight!'

‘Lady Francesca!'

‘I'm so happy, I wanted to see you.'
Lady Francesca said with a happy smile. Iris instantly returned it. Lady Francesca gently spread her skirts of her pale blue dress.

‘Take a look at my dress; see the delicate flower patterned lace? Lovely, isn't it?' Francesca said as she twirled around.

‘When the dress was presented to me, I was thrilled with it. I asked the tailor who had created such delicate lace work, and I was told it was you, Lady Iris, who made it. How positively delightful, I thought.'

Due to a Mishap, I Gave the King a Love Potion to Drink and I Became QueenWhere stories live. Discover now