11. Blush

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The large bedroom was filled with the sound of their panting.

Her body that had been feeling like it was floating, gradually sank into the soft and fluffy bed. Her consciousness began to hover between the present and dreams,

'...I can't bear it.'

While her head was blank, Iris heard a murmur in her ear, 'So cute. I want to see you like that again and again. That man really is stupid.'

Who the hell is the talking about? Actually, who is talking? Iris tried to remember where she was.

'Although, I would have killed you if you went back to him.'

Went back to whom? Kill who?
She could not understand what this person was talking about, as she began to fall asleep. But something jolted her awake: an alien finger penetrating her luscious honey pot.

'Iris, are you awake?'

'I am. Your finger...oh...' take it out.
As though he knew what she wanted his golden eyes narrowed, and he continued to stroke her silken inner flesh,

'No, I will not let you leave.'


Was he annoyed she had been falling asleep?

His lips drew into a wide spiteful smile, with a mysterious light sparking in his eyes that should be laughing.

Seeing grumpy Ernest, Iris tried to get up, but he held on to her slender waist and pulled her back to him,

'Ya, n ~, what is...'

'Don't run away, I don't want it to hurt.'

Ernest looked upset with her. She must have made a blunder before his Majesty, who was an adult man nine years older than her.

It was the first time she had seen such a look on his face. It made her heart pound and she was wide awake.

Ernest sank down between her legs and grabbed one of her thighs to part her legs wider.

'No. Ernest...!' she cried as Ernest buried his face between her legs at her secret place. She was awash with shame, but his tongue lapped at the honey flowing out of her petals.

'Fu, ~aa...'

His heated aphrodisiac tongue did not cause her pain; rather, his tongue technique sent her waves of pleasure much more than previously experienced. Her honey pot tightened around the intruding finger,
'Everything about you tastes so sweet...' he moaned.

'Ah~ please don't say anything....'
As his hot breath flushed her against her while he was talking, rocked her waist unconsciously. But it seemed he wanted to torture her more, and he deliberately blew at her sensitive petals. Her body trembled at the trivial stimulation, and more nectar poured out her.

Iris could not withstand the shame; she grabbed at the sheet and tried to pull up,

'I told you not to run away.'

'But a~nn...'

He had begun to stroke her inside with his buried finger. He pulled her to him and continued to lick her.
She could not help the sweet moans that emerged from her lips. He stimulated her tight vaginal opening that dripped love juice along his finger

She felt weird, she felt good. Iris realised her hips were pushing up against Ernest. She pulled away the silver head between her legs, and tried to escape.

But he did not stop his onslaught on her sensitive flesh, now licking the small hidden bud. He sucked up the bud into his hot mouth, and a flame of intense pleasure shot up from her lower abdomen.

Due to a Mishap, I Gave the King a Love Potion to Drink and I Became QueenWhere stories live. Discover now