16. The glass vial

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Iris was silent, an expression sadder than she was aware on her face.

Ernest took a deep breath and handed the papers and pen to Sirius. With his free hand, he stroked her soft cheek,

‘Iris, my mind, my heart will not change.'


Ernesto silenced her with his gaze, ‘Did you know what I have never liked another woman before you?'

‘You say that now but…'

She was not naive to think that she was as good as other women. Iris did not for a moment believe that without the love potion she would have someone like him.

But Ernest ran the pad of his thumb across her lips, while Iris was mesmerised by his golden gaze,

‘Iris, you are the only one I would ever love, now and in the future. I only want you.'

His sweet words shook her tympanic membrane.


The moment she regretted she had failed yesterday, why did she had a slight pain deep in her heart?
But she leaned forward, meeting his golden gaze with her violet one,


‘Even if your heart would not change, there still needs to be a possibility to allow a concubine.'


‘Because, children are gifts. There is no guarantee that I will conceive and give birth to an heir.'

Deep inside, Iris was happy that he vowed to love only her, even though she knew that it was all induced by the love potion. Despite this, she knew she wasn't adept at monopolising this false love, she couldn't necessarily say that they would have a true connection over all these uncertain possibilities.

‘I think that applies to me as well.'


‘The reason we don't have children could me as well.'

This reaction, to be honest, unexpected.

Ernest smiled lovingly at Iris. Iris mind was filled with a complex mix of reassurance and anxiety.

‘Don't worry about it; even if we don't have children, I am not the only royal in existence. We had decided that Rosemary's future child was next in line. So Iris, calm your heart and agree to become my wife.'

Last night, she had thought him a cunning black bellied king, but his wisdom was unquestionable.

As Iris thought about how she would reply, Sirius spoke up, ‘As His Majesty says, the problem is succession is important but not important as his Majesty being wed.'

He adjusted his glasses as he continued, ‘As you must have heard, his Majesty does  not relate well to ladies. But there are matters in the running of the country, domestic and diplomatic relations that require a Queen. The presence of a Queen in such matters can make a big difference. Simply put, Lady Iris, it will be meritorious for his Majesty if you agree to marry him.'

‘And' Matthias said adding more nails to her coffin, ‘doesn't his Majesty agree that you can continue with your lace work?'

He should be on her side.

‘While I think you will be very busy as Queen, I still want you to live as freely as possible.'

‘See, there are no more issues. Congratulations, Iris.' Matthias said with a broad smile.

Iris was increasingly frustrated with him.

Maybe, he was acting this way because Iris had failed in capturing the actual target. So Matthias just had to be wholly on board. Because, if he wasn't, she would be tied to a man Leticia had chosen. That was a more horrible fate.

But Iris still felt pressured  by the three men in the room. She was still at a loss on how to reply, when Ernest said,

‘Last night, I found this in a pocket in your dress.' as he held up the pretty vial that held the remaining pink love potion pills.


‘What is in it?' he asked tilting the bottle this way and that.

Iris paled. She tried to reach for the bottle, but it slipped through her hands.

‘It's just looks like simple sweets.'


‘You look kind of panicked.' he said, looking at the bottle with an expression she could not figure out.
What should she do? Why did she forget about the vial? Why did she react so nervously?

Still, she had to do something, before it was too late.

What if he examined the contents of the vial and found out it was a love potion? If that happened, Iris and the Marquis of Reinfeldt were done for!

Iris frantically thought of how to get out of this,



‘I was embarrassed.'

Ernest raised an eyebrow. Was her answer unexpected? He looked at her strangely.

‘Embarrassed you have this vial?'

‘Yes, it has been a year since I have attended the royal ball, I was very nervous about it, so to calm my heart I brought along my favourite sweets, but…'

‘I found them.'

‘Yes, well. It looks rather childish, I just didn't want to seem childish.'

The excuse might seem incongruous to her strong appearance, but she hoped it will be accepted,

‘Iris is telling the truth, your Majesty,' Matthias said with a smile, ‘I saw her with it yesterday. Would you like an affidavit to this effect?'

Iris thought it would be better if she said something logical, but her voice was stuck at the back of her throat.
Ernest waved his hand dismissively, ‘No, you don't have to do that. Even if it only is sweets, I was going mad with jealousy that someone else gave it to her.'

‘Awww, it looks like your Majesty is very narrow minded when it comes to the woman he loves.'

‘Is there a man in this world who isn't? Hold on, I do remember during our boarding school days, you were always in a relationship with one woman or the other…'

‘Your Majesty, can you stop saying extra things before my sister in law?'

Ernest and Matthias were rather casual with each other, she thought watching the exchange. Then she remembered, they were the same age and must have gone to the same school. Matthew was the second son of the Fairfax duchy, who were related to the royal family via a few queens.

‘I will only be satisfied if you let me have it.' Ernest said unexpectedly.
‘Eh?' Iris was agape with surprise as Ernest uncorked the vial and dropped a round pink sweet in his hand.

But it wasn't Iris in Ernest's gaze as he ate the sweet. It was Matthias.

Oh no! It would end up being difficult it it ended up this way.

‘Ernest!' she called out as she jumped closer to him and pressed her lips against his nose, intentionally blocking his view.

Due to a Mishap, I Gave the King a Love Potion to Drink and I Became QueenWhere stories live. Discover now