Chapter XXXIII

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"Luo Binghe!"

"Qingge, Qingge! Why are you so mad at me?" He couldn't help but laugh, not even surprised it had ended up like this. His Shixiong was chasing him about the dining hall while Shen Yuan both listened and stored away the rest of the soup. He'd send him back to Ling Shou with enough to last him a week until he could cook for him again. "All I said was that you needn't hide your blush from your Shidi! Think of our poor Yuan-shidi, to know you'd hide from him would be to break his heart!"


Laughing, he looked over his shoulder just briefly enough to see that cute expression. He truly hoped his Shidi would never truly bear that expression if he was truly cross with him, he wouldn't be able to handle it. He'd end up wanting to wrap his arms around him and coo to him until he felt better.

It's not a bad option, mind you, but not the most effective for conflict resolution.

"Is this Shixiong wrong, Yuan-shidi?"

Shen Yuan grumbled softly, rolling his eyes and waving his hand dismissively. "Binghe-shixiong is too forward!"

"But I'm not wrong!" However, being caught off guard in Bai Zhan truly is one of the worst things a disciple could do. Grunting upon impact, Liu Qingge tackled him down until the two were on the floor, knocking over chairs as they wrestled and threw wild hits without true aim other than just to hit.

A few of the younger disciples in the dining hall scattered, fearfully watching what they assumed to be a duel of some kind play out, while the older; more experienced disciples, merely cheered on this display. Some rooting for Luo Binghe and others for Liu Qingge, even though they knew there'd be no declared winner, only a few spats thrown about at the end to seal the duel.

"Don't be rude!" Jumping over the counter with grace proceeding his status, Shen Yuan fearlessly stepped into the battle zone, something not even the most experienced Bai Zhan disciples would do. "Other people are trying to eat here, don't go about destroying the dining hall! Take it outside!"

Truly fearless, Shen-shidi! A true and undeniable match for those two! These disciples thank you!

The same as herding wild cats, Shen Yuan practically jumped on top of them until he could pull one away by the scruff of his robes and the other by his ankle, effortlessly dragging them outside to either let them throw their insults again or finish what they'd started.

Shen Yuan couldn't help but laugh to himself as a thought crossed his mind. Would Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge still behave like that when they were peak lord and emperor? Imagine the talk in the courts! In the Qiong Ding Meeting Hall for the peak lord meetings! They'd surely earn a conversation at least every once in a while, perhaps a new hire or a curious bystander asking why or what reason this time. It was almost too funny to imagine how they both would have to respond, Luo Binghe would have to exude a calm aura of maintained control, and Liu Qingge would have to face their martial siblings.

He could only hope he could at least witness both once. He may laugh throughout the entire thing, but damn it, they'd be memories he would cherish for his entire life!

Sometimes wives were allowed to sit in on court meetings with Luo Binghe at his side as long as he allowed it. Perhaps that's how he'd get into the Imperial Court of the Demon Realm. Not as a wife of course! Nope! No! He'd likely just befriend Luo Binghe's wives! Totally! He'd be like the cool older brother friend who gave advice to all the girls when they were trying to get boyfriends—.

Wait, no. That's the gay best friend. Or was it both?

Holy shit was he the gay best friend in this scenario!?

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