Chapter XXXV

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Living was hell.

And whatever god, deity, demon, or immortal decided that he would be born an Omega could burn in the fiery pits for all he cared.




A whole fucking week!! An entire week of constant cramps in places he didn't even know there could be cramps, hot flashes worse than the lakes of molten tears themselves, and body spasms that made him regret having limbs!

Not to mention his poor Jiejie! The entire time he could just hear her worrying and muttering under her breath as she stayed with him. Feeding him the medicine Mu Qingfang prescribed him—awful stuff truly—and helping him however possible. A saint among the unworthy truly, that Jiejie of his, but even her presence did little to ease the tension in his very bones.

Mu Qingfang had explained the dangers his body was in—he for one did not care, let his organs die if it meant he didn't have to go through this!—But his Jiejie had a mini panic attack from the revelation and had one-upped her treatment, so he kind of had to care. Likewise, he explained why no one but Bai Daiyu and himself were to enter the room or check on him.

He stated that it was because of his instincts—what bullshit, his instincts were fine!—That because of the delay his body had, and the traumatic response it was going through due to his past, it was safer if no Alpha, no matter their affiliation, entered the room for even a moment. Lest his body go into shock again.

He could understand that, and personally, he really didn't want anyone in here anyway. Not when he was like this. Way too humiliating, thank you very much! But not even his parents!?

Wasn't that a conflict of interest? Why couldn't his parents come inside, hm?! They were his parents! Screw him if he was being childish but he felt a little uncomfortable without having either one of them there. It just didn't feel entirely safe.

Nothing against his Jiejie mind you! But they lived through these things before, he'd seen the women in the brothel go through their weeks, and they sure as hell weren't safe. Bai Daiyu unfortunately was no exception to that, no matter how he despised to admit it. So, whether for himself or her, he wished that at least his Baba had been allowed to stay.

To say the least, it'd been a long week.

"Little butterfly," ah yes, his Jiejie, the saint. No matter how soft or welcoming her voice was, it did little to stir him from where he had buried himself beneath the bed. "A-Yuan, would you like to eat now?"

I'd like to die now, Jiejie. This is why I didn't let myself go through this back then! Who gives a shit if I can't have kids in the future!? Adoption is a thing! 

Of course, he did not say that aloud, and never one to want to give his Jiejie a hard time, he slowly crawled out from under the bed. He hadn't been able to shift back to normal since his heat officially started. So, in his attempts throughout the week to try and be comfortable in the room, he'd clawed the bedsheets damn near to shred and left dents and welts in the floorboards from where he'd crawled under and out from under the bed throughout the week.

His legs felt like useless weights, his muscles too sore to properly move, and his abdomen felt like he'd been doing sit-ups for seven days straight. "Ah, there is my lovely boy!" As always, Bai Daiyu remained as chipper as ever, despite Shen Yuan's fluctuating moods.

She'd dealt with plenty of heats herself and being a helping hand for the other courtesans in the brothel, so this behavior was of no surprise to her. Especially since it was her A-Yuan's first, in all consideration, her boy had been taking it very well!

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