2. hello gorgeous

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HERBIES VIEW 🏉laying his head back into the headrest of the uber herbie sighed and played with his hands

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laying his head back into the headrest of the uber herbie sighed and played with his hands. he knew he couldn't leave her there with that grub, but he didn't know if he was overstepping bringing her back to his. i mean he didnt know where she lived and they'd had small talk before, they weren't like complete strangers but they wouldn't be considered anything more than people who happened to know eachother names. herbie knew a bit more than that though, he knew she was reece's bestfriend, he knew she came to every home game to support, he knew she was incredibly smart, he admired her for it getting into one of the best schools in Australia wouldn't be easy, he knew she was funny that she radiated good times, and he knew she was hot. it wasn't like he had a crush on her, she was just an attractive woman. very attractive.


shutting the white car door herbie moved around to grab ali, know layed out across the three back seats. he grabbed her and carried her bridle style not forgetting to take her purse with him, and trekked into the elevator heading up to his apartment. herbie couldn't stop thinking about that guy, he would be pissed if he saw that happening to any girl but for some reason that time it really pushed his buttons. he felt so completed to do something. herbie told himself it was only because he knew her, they were mutual friends so of course he had to step in. right? as the doors opened herbie fiddled with his keys and pushed the door open to his massive apartment. with his hands full he placed her purse on the table next to the door. unfortunately for herbie although his place was huge it only had one bedroom. he debated on what to do but ultimately decided to sleep on the couch and let ali have the bed. gently setting her down on the plush white sheets he unclipped her heels and set them neatly on the floor next to her bag. as he turned around ali stirred and huffed, her eyes not open yet not concious of where she was ali pulled her dress down her body and chucked it across the room. ali then flopped back onto the bed and failed at trying to cover herself with the blanket. herbie walked over and tucked her in trying his best not to look but who was he kidding he was starring. he picked up on every scar, every freckle, the tan colour of her skin and the way her silky black hair draped upon her back. moving her head to rest against a pillow herbie took in her beauty. ali had long black eyelashes and a straight nose, her lips were full with a pink tint and her cheeks were stained red. herbie could see the small specks of blue glitter splattered across her face.

he moved her hair out of her face and shut the door, heading over to the couch. herbie draped a blanket over him and tried to become comfortable with the rock solid pillows. heavily sighing he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, struggling with a million thoughts racing around his head. ali on the other hand had no thoughts in that mind of hers, out like a light.


the sun shone through the linen curtains, the warm light falling on ali's skin. her eyes slowly blinked open and she wrapped the soft linen sheets tight around her body. ali took her time rolling over and lifting herself to sit up on the bed. she yawned and stretched before fully opening her eyes. to her surprise she wasn't in her messy room, ali looked around at the large orderly room. her clothes, heels, and belongings sitting neatly on the dresser near the door, a white carpet lined the wood floors near the bed, framed pictures scattered the room with photos ali couldn't quite make out, the two nightstands opposite her were wood with a lamp sitting on each one. she didn't recognise the room at all, and she couldn't remember how she had left the bar last night. had one of her friends taken her home? ali looked down and saw she had nothing but her underwear on, when did she take her clothes off? it only took her one glance at the navy sheets she was sitting in for her to figure out she was at a guys house. suddenly her stomach filled with butterflies as the signed rugby ball and jersey hanging on the wall stood out to her. she raked her hands through her hair, and largely gulped. trying to convince herself she didn't see what she thought she just did ali turned her head in the direction of the closet, her heart skipped a beat and her felt like it was going to fall out. hanging neatly in the closet was a maroon shirt. not just any maroon shirt a broncos jersey. ali held her head in her hands and sighed.

seriously? out of any guy she could go home with she just had to go home with a broncos player, just her luck. she immediately knew reece would never let her forget it if he found out she had a one night stand with one of his teammates. ali could already imagine the jokes he was gonna make. spreading her fingers apart and peering through them ali read the name on the back of the shirt. FARNWORTH. ali went home with herbie farnworth. she felt her cheeks get hot and her heart beat faster. herbie was one of reece's best mates on that team, she had only talked to him a couple of times and how she's laying in his head half naked. yep, she was never gonna hear the end of this. ali sprung off the bed and almost opened the door before catching herself in the mirror and realising she had no clothes on. quickly popping a tshirt laying near the bed on she slowly pulled the knob careful to not make any noise. tip toeing outside ali looked around for any sign of a person. walking along the corridor she reached the kitchen. the beautiful blue sky radiated through the floor to ceiling windows facing the kitchen. ali read the time on the fridge. 9:47. lord she slept in. nothing but her own breathe could be heard as she walked through the apartment. she immediately cringed any time she walked past a photo of herbie and the broncos.

i mean he wasn't the worst player to come home with, reece wasn't that close with him. ali couldn't even remember seeing him last night, she couldn't remember anything actually. she picked up a black photo frame, inside was a picture of herbie standing next to reece and jordan in the locker rooms. all of the boys shirts off all smiling at the camera. she looked at him intensely. his brown wet hair draped along his forehead, and his eyes crinkled in the corner as he showed his pearly whites, a faint brown stache above it. he had broad and toned shoulders, and absolutely jacked arms. ali's eyes lingered over his body admiring every muscle, he was so tall too, almost towering over reece and just beating jordan by an inch. i mean out of all the players on that team she could've done worse. he was hot, like super hot.  but ali didn't have a crush on him at least that's what she told herself. he's just a mega hot, tall, clean, funny, put together, gentlemanly, guy who she has happened to talk to. and spent the night at his house.  she shook it off and continued her walk around his place before she got back too his room. seeing no sign of him ali decided to pop her dress back on and collect her things before heading out. shoes in hand ali took one last look at the apartment before heaving the large door open and shutting it behind her. she felt like a dick, leaving without saying goodbye? really, but he wasn't even home and there was no way she had the balls to text him.


ali trudged out of the apartment block, wearing no shoes and a dress to revealing for 10 in the morning. her hair was wild and her mascara was all over her face getting her some concerning looks. she called an uber with the last of her battery and headed home to her own place. finally.

authors notes 💐
hey i am superrr sorry for the wait between chapters i'm definitely going to be posting then more frequently i just had nooo idea what direction to go in with this one (as per usual). but i will 100% be writing and updating more. but of course if you guys have any thoughts on this or any changes or tips that wld be very much appreciated. ty to everyone whose voted i will try my best to not disappoint with this story.

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