She has betrayed you

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Namjoon makes Y/n lay down on his bed and changed her clothes. He was looking at her lifeless body and cursing himself. Y/n's condition has happened because of him; he should have controlled his anger.

He sits next to her and covers her with the blanket, Y/n's body was still cold and despite the heater being on, her body was not getting warm, and Namjoon was getting more worried now,

He rubs her palm, he covers her nicely with the blanket again and again and caresses her face, her body was turning cold and blue, the weather outside was also not favorable and he could not even take Y/n to the hospital,

Finding no other solution, Namjoon takes off his shirt and lies down next to Y/n. He pulls her into his arms and holds her tightly to his chest, he stays like that for a long time.

And luckily Y/n's body starts getting hot, Namjoon takes a sigh of relief and looks at Y/n's face, a tear drop falls from the corner of his eyes which falls on Y/n's cheeks, Namjoon wipes it with his thumb.

He kisses her on the forehead,

Namjoon: I won't let anything happen to you,


As soon as Namjoon and Taehyung come inside the house, they see Y/n's body lying on the floor soaked in blood, Namjoon rushes towards her and checks Y/n, there was a deep wound on her head and he gets scared,

Namjoon: Let's go to the hospital, he shouts and lifts Y/n in his arms.

Taehyung walks towards the car and sits in the driver's seat.

Namjoon sits on the backseat with Y/n and they leave for the hospital.

There was fear and worry in Namjoon's eyes which Taehyung also sees and he gets angry, because of this his brother who was keeping distance from Y/n till now will once again move closer to Y/n and he will not let this happen at all.

Namjoon: I should not have left Y/n alone in this weather, please forgive me Y/n.

Taehyung was looking at his brother through the mirror

Namjoon was very worried about his wife and he forgot about everything else, he was only worried about his wife at the moment.

After reaching the hospital, Namjoon, without waiting for anyone, picks up his wife in his arms and runs inside. He was shouting and calling the doctor, his action had drawn everyone's attention towards him.

The doctor admits Y/n to the emergency room and asks Namjoon to remain calm.

The doctor was treating Y/n and Namjoon was sitting restless on the bench outside, he was waiting for the doctor to come out.

After about an hour the doctor comes there and Namjoon sees the doctor and runs towards him.

Namjoon: How is my wife now?

Doctor: Look Mr. Kim, I have seen the medical history of your wife, not even a week has passed since her abortion and due to this accident she has lost a lot of

Before the doctor can say anything else, Namjoon interrupts him.

Namjoon: What did you say? Abortion?

Doctor: Yes, abortion took place in this hospital, your brother was also with your wife, his signature is on the document, don't you know about it?

The doctor looks at Namjoon with surprise and pity.

Namjoon was still in shock, was what he was hearing true? He couldn't believe that such a big thing was kept from him.

He was not able to understand how to handle this news.The doctor places his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

Doctor: Due to excessive blood loss, she is weak and unconscious and needs blood, we are trying our best that your wife does not go into coma, arrangement for blood is necessary.

Namjoon: Don't worry, my wife and I have the same blood group, I will give her blood, I will not let anything happen to her, give me some time, I will be right back.

Doctor: We don't have time, where are you going?

Namjoon: To get answers to some questions from someone.

Namjoon leaves from there


Taehyung was in the parking lot, smoking a cigarette.

Suddenly someone turns him, before he could see anything he gets punched in the face and blood comes out from his nose. He looks at the blood with his hand and then looks at the person who hit him.

Taehyung: Hyung?

Namjoon moves towards him again and delivers another punch and Taehyung falls to the floor bleeding from his nose and mouth.

Namjoon: Why did you both hide such a big thing from me, why?

Before Taehyung can understand anything, Namjoon grabs his collar and picks him up.

Namjoon: What was going on between you two?

taehyung: please Hyung, wait give me a chance to explain

Namjoon: You both have betrayed me, I will never forgive you both.

taehyung: Before understanding anything, please give me a chance to explain, I can't betray my brother, please believe me.

namjoon moves away from taehyung

Namjoon: Whose baby was that?

Namjoon asks without looking at him.

Taehyung knew that if he lied that the baby was his, then Namjoon would not be bothered by the abortion issue and Namjoon loves his wife so much that maybe he would forgive his wife and become like before.

Taehyung: That was your baby that was killed by your wife.

Namjoon shocked

Namjoon: my baby? Why did she kill?

He asks disbelief

Taehyung: I wanted to talk to you about your wife for a long time but I was afraid that your relationship would break and you might also misunderstand me.

namjoon turns to taehyung

Namjoon: What about my wife?

Taehyung: Since I came here, your wife has been trying to seduce me and asked me to sleep with her, when I refused, she threatened to complain about me to you and said that she would file harassment charges against me, so I remained silent, and she forced me to sleep with her.

The ground slipped beneath Namjoon's feet, his innocent looking wife could be so shameless and mean.

Taehyung: One day she came to me and told me about her pregnancy and also that she doesn't want a child and wants an abortion, I tried to stop her and she threatened me again and forced me to help her And I was forced to help her, I'm sorry Hyung, I should have told you all this earlier,

Taehyung looks down and it's becoming too much for Namjoon to handle.Tears fall from Namjoon's eyes.

Taehyung: She has betrayed you, Hyung, she is a treacherous girl, she is only concerned with your money and your status, she is only concerned with satisfying the hunger of the body, she is only concerned with pleasure, she has used both of us.

Namjoon looks at his brother then he got a call and he pick up

Doctor: sir, we are running out of time,

Namjoon: I am coming

He said coldly and leave

Taehyung smirk evilly


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