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Y/N had bought a separate apartment for herself so she could make a fresh start with her forthcoming child; previously, she used to share the flat with Jennie. Y/N wanted to forget Namjoon totally; she didn't want to remember the difficult portions of her life.

Jennie and Jackson assisted her shift, and Y/N was now prepared for a fresh start.

Jackson: Y/N, think again; you need us right now; we won't let you stay here alone.

Jennie: Yes, you require special care.

Y/N: Friends, you have both done so much for me; I am now fine, and I am not alone; my baby is with me. Look, you both are engaged, and you both also have to start a new chapter of your lives. I do not want to be the third wheel between you two.

Jennie: You know, we don't think about you that way.

Y/n laughs

Y/n: I understand, but if not today or tomorrow, we will have to separate, so why not today? Okay, let's go somewhere for lunch; today's lunch is from me.

Jennie and Jackson are smiling.


After lunch, everyone was strolling on the road and Y/n was very happy, her friends had seen her so happy for the first time in these 2 years, when they both met Y/n for the first time, Y/n was withdrawn, sad and lonely. She was a girl who did not like to talk much to people, but with time she started opening up with Jennie and Jackson and today all three of them are very good friends with whom Y/n can share all her problems.

After Namjoon came back, Y/n was depressed and was once again turning into the same 2 year old Y/n but because of this baby a change could be seen in Y/n, her friends wanted her to start a new life with a new partner.

But Y/n was happy alone with her baby, some wounds heal with time but their scars remain forever and the same was the case with Y/n.

Y/n could forget the pain given by Namjoon but could not erase it, in some form or the other she would definitely remember that pain, even if it was her own baby.

This baby is also a part of Namjoon who will always remind her of Namjoon, but Y/n was ready now.

Y/n sees the ice cream truck on the other side of the road and her eyes sparkle,

Y/n: Look, ice cream

Jennie and Jackson were lost in each other and did not pay much attention, Y/n started going to the other side of the road without both of them and she was so lost that she did not pay attention to the car coming from the other side of the road, and The car was about to hit her, Y/n looks at the car and freezes, not knowing what to do.

Jennie and Jackson also look at Y/n with wide eyes, both get scared, and shout her name.

Suddenly, before there could be a collision, someone pushes Y/n and both of them fall on the other side of the road.

??: Are you crazy, what if something happens to you?

Y/n looks towards that girl, this voice was familiar to her, and she looks up.

Y/n: Lisa?

Tears well up in her eyes seeing her friend after so many years, the same friend who had played an important role in her destruction, of which Y/n had no idea.

Y/n hugs Lisa without thinking and Lisa gets shocked, her eyes fill with guilt, this is the same girl whose beautiful perfect life was ruined by just one lie of hers and this girl has no idea, Instead of slapping her, this girl is hugging her, tears of guilt fall from Lisa's eyes.

Y/n: You after so many years? so glad to see you, i missed you so much

Lisa was still shocked, she did not understand what answer she should give to Y/n, her words got stuck in her throat, only one word could come out of her mouth.


Y/n looks at her in surprise and Lisa hugs her and starts crying, being a good friend she tries to console her friend, by now Jennie and Jackson have also come there, and she ask Y/n. Who is this girl and how does she know you?

Y/n happily tells them that she used to be her best friend.

Jackson: I've seen you before, you're Kim Taehyung's wife, right?

Hearing Taehyung's name, the ground slips beneath Y/n's feet. When and how did this happen? Lisa knows very well how Taehyung used to treat her and yet why did she marry Taehyung knowing that Taehyung once loved her?

Y/n looked at Lisa confused with many questions in her mind and Lisa understood that it was time to answer some questions honestly.



Not once but many times Y/n slaps Lisa, today all the anger inside her which was buried in her heart for 2 years was coming out on Lisa.

Y/n: Why? You gave this result of my friendship, how can you be so mean? I considered you my best friend and you turned out to be a part of my destruction.

Tears fall from Y/n's eyes and Lisa silently listens to her bitter words, she does not respond because perhaps that is what she deserves.

Lisa: I know I have made a mistake and I deserve a harsher punishment than this, but believe me Y/n, I have realized how big a sin I have committed, please, please forgive me.

Y/n: Your apology will never make my life the same again, my baby will never come back, she screams.

Jennie hugs Y/n and she cries a lot, Lisa also cries but it is no use, the damage has been done which cannot be compensated now.

Y/n: If possible, never show me your face again, you are not worthy of my forgiveness.

Y/n leaves from there and Jennie Jackson follows her, Lisa sits on the ground and starts crying,

Lisa: I am still suffering the consequences of doing wrong to you Y/n, I have had enough, I lost my best friend to a bastard.

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