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Y/n cries a lot when she gets home; she tells Jennie everything, but not about Jackson; she does not want to ruin Jennie and Jackson's relationship; they were the only ones who believed in her; otherwise, the entire world was against her.

Y/n did not want to go to the office, but it was a big assignment that could not be completed without her, so she was compelled to go at Jackson's request.

The meeting was ongoing, and Y/N was doing her best to evade Namjoon's attention. The project design was complete, and all that remained was for everyone's approval before it could be finalized; nevertheless, the project presentation needed to be provided to someone so that this transaction could be handed to t his company. meet ,

Everyone was pointing at Y/N because this design was her idea. Everyone had faith in her abilities. Even if Y/N does not want to, she must accept this.

Y/N had worked extremely hard on this project, and Namjoon was impressed by her abilities.

It was time to inspect the client's project and seal the deal. Y/n confidently explained every detail of the project to the client, and everyone was quite pleased with her presentation, thus the deal was finalized.

This was his company's largest project to date, and the deal was expected to generate significant profits, so a party was planned to celebrate.

Maria tells Y/n that whatever she witnessed was a mistake, and she already has a boyfriend, so she asks that she not tell anyone. Y/N sees her point and assures her of this. She will only reside with them; Maria will be here for one more month before leaving her job to marry soon.

The party was attended by all of the staff, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Y/N was joyful, and she was having fun with her friends. She has very few good days in her life, and whenever she is joyful, something horrible happens. Now she was afraid to be happy.

Y/n, Jennie and Jackson were together when Jackson extended his hand towards Y/n.

Jackson: Will you dance with me?

Y/n smiles

Y/n: Sure

With this, both of them go towards the dance floor and dance together, the song was slow and romantic, Jackson's hand was on Y/n's waist and Y/n's hand was on his shoulder and chest.

Jackson: You look very beautiful.

Y/n laughs,

Y/n: Less than your fiancée

Jackson chuckles

Jackson: I hope you've kept my surprise a secret until now.

Y/N: You can trust me.

Namjoon was staring at both of them angrily; if staring had resulted in death, then both of their bodies would have been lying there by now.

Namjoon angrily presses the wine glass so hard that it breaks.

Namjoon: How filthy is this woman? How does she dance with her lover in front of me? Namjoon's patience has run out. He gets up from his seat, walks to the dance floor, then walks toward Y/N. Y/N didn't know what was going to happen.

Namjoon takes Y/n's elbow and turns her towards him. Namjoon drags Y/n towards him, and it was now vital to demonstrate to everyone that Namjoon is the only one who has authority over her.

Namjoon kisses Y/n passionately. Y/n smacks his chest with her palm, attempting to get him to stop, but he refused. Defeated, Y/n stops hitting him, tears flow, and she realizes. Now that all has ended, the entire world will regard her as a whore.

It was simple to tolerate hatred for one person, but now the entire world will call him many horrible names.

Y/N's power to withstand it was nearly depleted, and blackness began to emerge before her eyes. Her body begins to collapse, Namjoon breaks the kiss, and Jackson pushes Namjoon; everyone looks at both of them in disbelief, while Jennie runs Y/N.

People had begun whispering.

Man: So the rumors were true; this girl duped the CEO to become successful.

Woman: What a shameless girl!

Woman 2: Perhaps she attracted the prior CEO as well, which is why she received an early promotion.

Man: Whore! A woman like this shouldn't be here.

Y/N stares at Namjoon.

Y/n: Finally, you have made me as a whore in front of everyone.

Y/n faints, and Jackson drags her away. Namjoon watches them, Y/n's words echoing in his ears.

People's murmurs never stop, and Namjoon hears everything.

Namjoon shouts, "Is it wrong to kiss my  wife?" Everyone flinches.

wife !

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