First Meeting

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It was 8 in the morning when the two boys were chatting with eachother while having their breakfast in their house.

Charlie: "Phi did you decide what you wanna do next?"

Jeff: "No nong not yet."

Jeff had recently left his previous job since he was not enjoying it and rather wanted to do something which he loves.

As Charlie left for his work, Jeff realised they ran out of groceries and thus went out to buy some from the nearest shop.

While returning Jeff took a narrow lane, and on his suprise a couple of dogs suddenly started chasing him. Jeff being Jeff scared of dogs starts running to save his dear life. While he was running he kept on glancing at his back. His tears were non-stop flowing, while he was looking at his back, he fell on the road because of the hard chest he bumped into. He looks up and saw and unknown man. He seemed to be in his 30s, he was wearing a grey tank top which made his tattooed arm visible. He was lost in his eyes when the realisation hit him and he got up and hid on his back.

??: "Am sorry, are you hurt anywhere?"

Jeff: "N-No I am not, uhh p-please can you help me to escape from the dogs a-am scared".

The man looked at the front and saw a couple of dogs coming at their direction. He first shooed the dogs away then turned to Jeff. He chuckled when he saw how cutely Jeff was till holding on to the hem of his top as if his life depends on it.

??: "Hey! they are gone now you can relax a bit"

Jeff: "Oh ok thank you so much for the help"

??: "No worries, uh I am sorry I am in a hurry I need to go bye."

Saying that he ran away. Jeff was still standing there processing the whole situation. He was so embarrassed that he wished to not see him again.( His wish was short lived).

Time skipped to night,

Charlie: "Phi do you remember the racing company I work under?"

Jeff: " Yes, what's about that?"

Charlie: "We are in an urgent need of a mechanic why don't you apply for the job for the time being?"

Jeff: "Hm, let me think about it"

Charlie: "Ok phi take you time but I can guarantee if you join there you will really enjoy your job."

Jeff: "Hm let's see"

After the conversation they went to their separate rooms.

After a long thought he decided to accept the job offer till he is getting a permanent job, to not pressurise Charlie more. Since he is still young and needs to enjoy his life rather than working his ass off to earn for both of them.


Author's note~

Ok I am really nervous about this, I hope you guys will like it. Also pardon me if there are any mistakes. Please vote and comment it will really motivate me and please if you guys have any suggestion or things i should work on more let me know.

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