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Jeff: Lung where are we going?

Alan: Ai nu wait for some more time na you will get to know.

After driving for more two hours they finally reached their destination.

Alan: Huh finally we reached nu let's go out now.

As Alan turned his head he cooed at his sleeping nu. Only he knows how hard it was for him to not squeeze those soft cheeks. He slowly came closer to him and tried to open his seatbelt. While doing that he unintentionally woke him up. Jeff squealed his eyes in annoyance and tried to open them slowly. His eyes pooped out on realising how close their face was to eachother.

Jeff: U-Um lung what are you doing?

Alan(chuckled softly): Why does your face look like a tomato?

Jeff: I asked first!

Alan: You are so adorable, anyways nu let's go now we have reached.

As Jeff came out of the car he noticed they were in front of a beautiful beach.

Jeff: Wow this is pretty.

Alan: C'mon let's go now.

They sat on the beach beside eachother, enjoying the calm sound of the waves. The cold wind was hitting their face. Jeff's eyes shined under the moonlight. He slowly turned his face to look at the man beside him sitting lazily. He wondered when did he became so comfortable with this old man.

Jeff: Lung why did you brought me here?

Alan: To lighten up your mood a little, everytime I feel stressed out I come here to relax.

Jeff: Oh with someone special?

Alan: Why are you jealous?

Jeff slightly hit his arm and turned his head in the opposite direction in embarassment.

Alan: I was kidding nu, you are the only one whom I have brought here with me.

Jeff: R-Really?

Alan: Yes now enough with this question answers let's enjoy the view now.

Jeff: okay.

After sometime passed,

Alan: Nu can I ask you something?

Jeff: Ya lung.

Alan: Have you looked for any job yet?

Jeff: Uh no but I will soon.

Alan: Oh, then don't.

Jeff: Huh what do you mean by that?

Alan: Jeff ik you were misunderstood at first and am really sorry in behalf of everyone. Also I offer you to work in the X-Hunter company as a permanent worker. Nu I seriously want you to stay but ofcourse I will not force you it's your decision absolutely but uh I just want to say that -

Jeff: Lung Lung it's okay I understand what you want to say, uhm but idk I am not sure if something like this occurs again will anyone trust me.

Alan(took Jeff's hands in his):
Nu Ik what everyone did was wrong but I can assure you everyone is guilty for that. Please nu trust me no will treat you like that anymore, you are safe there nu. Please na nu I promise please please.

Jeff: Ok ok I agree but if anything like that happens again am not returning understood??

Alan: OK SIR.

Jeff chuckled lightly.

Jeff: Lung you are so dramatic.

Alan: Only for you though.

Jeff: Huh?

Alan: Uhh nvm, nu do you want some ice-cream?

Jeff: Uhh-

Alan: Ok enough of that let's go

He didn't let Jeff speak a word, he hold his hand tight and dragged him in front of the icecream truck.

Alan: Nu what flavor do you want?

Jeff: I'm fine with anything.

Alan: Ok then two chocolate icecreams please.

While Alan was busy buying the icecreams Jeff couldn't take his eyes off the man beside him. He was amazed to see this man who is in his 30s acting like a kid infront of him. He wanted to hide this side of his from everyone else and keep it for himself only.

Alan: Jeff? Jeff? Where are you so lost? The icecream will melt quickly take it.

Jeff: Oh ya.

Alan: Is it good?

Jeff(smiled softly): Hm.

Alan: Why don't you smile often you look so cute.

Jeff: I don't have much reasons to smile so often.

Alan: Oh is that it, ok then let me be your reason to smile.

Jeff: Lung I was kidding back then you don't have to put so much efforts I already accepted the offer.

Alan: Ouch am hurt nu do you seriously think I am doing all this only for the job offer?

Jeff: Ain't you?

Alan: No ofcourse not am doing this because I honestly want to know you , be close to you not because of that.

Jeff: But why, why do I matter that much to you ?

Alan: I don't know I just know that you are geniuenly a nice person and doesn't deserve to be left alone.

Jeff: Oh ok.

Alan: Yes get that in your little head nu.

Jeff: Ya if you tease me anymore I will not return to the garage.

Alan: Ahh ok ok sorry I won't anymore. Anyways now let's go it's already so late.

Jeff: Ok.

Alan: Uh nu just a second Way is calling I will just pick it up and come till then you can wait in my car.

Jeff: Ok lung.

With that Jeff straight went inside the car and Alan picked Way's call.

Alan: Yess Way why did you call at this hour?

Way: Why am I interrupting your date huh?

Alan: Hey firstly stop with this teasing and secondly it's not a date just a hang out ok.

Way: Oh Alan just already accept it now.

Alan: Accept what I am not getting it?

Way: Ahh you are so stubborn tell me the last time when you were this sweet to any of us huh huh?

Alan: Oh Way c'mon I am always sweet to you guys and now you are thinking too much it's nothing ok I have to go now Jeff is waiting for me in the car.

Way: Oh yes yes enjoy your date.

Alan: Way!

Before Alan could say anything Way already ended the call. Alan was surely done with his bestfriend. Being annoyed enough he didn't wanted to think about what Way said and thus returned to his nu. After safely dropping Jeff he then went to his own house.


Author's note~

If you have come this far thank you for reading so much. Vote and comment will be appreciated. Feel free to suggest any ideas or to point out things i should work more on.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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Destined To Be Together - Alanjeff Where stories live. Discover now