The Accident

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The next day at the garage again everyone has become busy with the upcoming race. But even on such a busy day Alan noticed the unusual behaviour of Jeff's. Jeff was kind of avoiding him from the morning. It's not like they normally talk alot but today was something different which didn't go unnoticed by the others even.
The whole day Alan didn't get time to talk to Jeff about the matter due to his busy schedule.

In the evening when Babe was checking the car speed with Jeff, Alan was also present there.

Babe who was already irritated since he had an argument with his beloved boyfriend, took his anger out on Jeff. Jeff who was new to this behaviour of Babe's was taken a step back.

Babe: Seriously Jeff the only job given to you was to fix the speed you couldn't do that even?

Jeff: Babe low down your voice, don't take out your anger on me.

Babe: Huh there is no point of talking with you, Lung am going now.

Jeff: Hey Babe!

Alan: Nu let him be he needs sometime.

Jeff: Lung seriously he just can't take his anger out on me.

Alan: Nu try to understand he didn't meant to talk like that he is just under too much pressure with the upcoming race.

Jeff: Huhh your favouritism is so visible.

Alan: Nu you are my favourite mechanic ok and you are also a part of this family now so don't get the wrong idea ok. And also you can talk to me about anything ok na nu(rubbed Jeff's hair slowly).

Jeff: Um nevermind I will be going home now if there is nothing left to do for me.

Alan: Ya go and take rest.

With that Jeff nodded and went out.

Time skipped to the day of the race. The atmosphere was filled suspense and pressure.

Everyone was getting ready for their race.
It was a face off between X-Hunter company and Red Racing company . The hollow king- Babe appeared in the ground ready to race. As they started the race, Babe as usual took the lead. Everything was going well when suddenly Babe's car started shaking rapidly and it swung hard. Then it fell sharply out of the corner. The only thing which was visible was the flame that engulfed the entire car. As soon as this happened everyone rushed to the track and sent Babe to the hospital for the emergency treatment.

Time skipped to the garage after everything calmed down a bit and even Babe was better now.

North: But how did it happen does anyone anyone knows the actual reason ?

Sonic: Jeff you were the last one right to check on his car yesterday?

Alan: What no I was the last one to check on his car yesterday as I do before any match.

Way: No Alan you are wrong you were not.

Alan: What do you mean by that Way?

Way: Jeff tell them what do I mean by this, weren't you the last person who checked on Babe's car after Alan?

Alan: Way!

Way: What now you don't believe me?

Alan: It's not about believing Way but you just can't put any allegations on him.

Way: Ok now you want prove right wait see this.
(He showed a clip where Jeff suspiciously entered Babe's car and did some changes probably)

Jeff: Lung trust me I didn't did anything wrong with Babe's car.

Way: Oh so you are telling me that this clip is not true wow what else do you have to say, tell me honestly how much did Red Racing team paid you for this huh?

Alan: WAY! that's enough. And Jeff go home for now come tomorrow and take your belongings.

Jeff: Lung I already told you I didn't do it. Huh fine don't belive me just don't call me your family if you don't even trust me.

With that he stromed out of the garage. While Alan who was still standing at the same point rethinking his decision. Was he too mean to him? was he fair? too many questions was on his head. But he let all of it go since the most important thing too him rn was Babe's health so despite his heavy feelings he went to hospital to meet him.


Author's note~

If you have come this far thank you for reading so much. Vote and comment will be appreciated. Feel free to suggest any ideas or to point out things i should work more on.


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