Silent Treatment

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In the hospital where Babe was admitted,

Alan: How are you feeling now?

Babe: Alot better, I just have to stay here for one more week then they will discharge me.

Alan: Ok nice then. Uhm ik this is not the right time but I feel like it's important for you to know that uhh-

Babe:  Know what lung?

Alan: Um that Jeff is fired from the work.

Babe: what?? Lung what are you saying why would you fire him all of a sudden?

Alan: Uh because he is suspected of being a spy of red racing company.

Babe: Lung are you in your right sense he is Charlie's brother he would never do something like this.

Alan: But Way showed a clip where it was very visible that Jeff suspiciously entered your car and did some changes.

Babe(sighed): Lung so you seriously believe Jeff will do something, he is literally so harmless.

Alan: I don't know Babe until I saw the clip I was very sure he could never do something like that but then-

Babe: Then you saw the clip, lung maybe you misunderstood the whole situation everytime what we see is not necessary to be true, ig you should consider your decision again you need to go through its depth. 

Alan: Hm okay then take care of yourself I will come later again to check on you.

As soon as Alan turned around he saw Charlie entering the room and as he saw him he turned his face and totally ignored Alan. Alan lowkey knew he deserved it so he quietly went out without saying anything further.

Charlie: Babe how are you now?

Alan: Do you know about Jeff being-

Charlie: Fired? Yes ik, am honestly very disappointed at lung as I thought whatever decision he takes is the best but this one how can he accuse my phi like this.

Babe: Aw come here you angry pup, whose boyfriend are you huh huh?

Charlie: Babe leave me I am not in the mood of joke.

Babe: Charlie c'mon I have already told Alan to reconsider his decision and as per me I already now Jeff will not do something like this at the end ik my brother-in-law well ok, now you come here sit with me I missed you na.

Charlie: I missed you too, do you know how scared I was when this whole thing happened.

Babe: It's ok pup am here now with you, now let's sleep for awhile even you need some rest.

Time skipped to the garage, where all the staff were present.

Alan: Now all of you tell me sincerely who was the one to mess with Babe's car.

Way: Alan but it was already clear that Jeff did it.

Alan: Way let me do my work I will explain you later.

North who was in the other room rushed to where Alan was,

North: Lung the authorities called they wants to talk with you.

With that he handled the phone to his boss.

Alan: Yes sir, how can I help you?

The authorities: Alan we want to talk about the accident which happened earlier-

Alan: Am sorry sir it was our fault it will not repeat again I-

The authorities: What are you talking about Alan ,it was our fault we are really sorry for it.

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