First Day At Work

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Jeff woke up to the bright sunlight falling in his room. Today is his first day at work. He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After he got ready he came downstairs to find Babe and Charlie being lovey dovey. Jeff being cringed by the scene in front of him, ignored them and took the bread from the dining table and went out. Babe and Charlie after realising Jeff's presence they quickly back out and went out outside to see Jeff waiting for them. After that they quickly drove off to the garage.

At the garage,

North and Sonic: Hey Jeff welcome to our garage, we are North and Sonic the junior racers, we hope you have a great day here.

Jeff (with a straight face): Thank you guys.

North: Jeff you can go and first meet Lung in his office he will assign you your work.

Jeff: Lung who?

Charlie: We call Alan lung.

Jeff(in confusion): Is he that old?

North: Ofcourse he is.

Sonic smacked him on his head.

Sonic: No he is not that old we call him lung because he is like a guardian to us.

Jeff: oh got it.

Jeff knocked on the door of Alan's office before entering.

Alan: Yes come in.

Jeff on entering the office he saw a man was already present there with Alan.

Alan: Oh hi nu, you are on time. Btw meet our manager Way.

Way smiled at him while he just simply nodded.

Alan: Ok so come with me i will show you your work.

With that they went to a room surrounded by various racing cars. He assigned him to tune the speed of some cars as the next race is around the corner and thus the cars should be in their best state. Jeff as assigned starts to do his work.

In the evening, after most of them left Alan was taking rounds around the garage to check if everything was in its right state.

When he saw Jeff still working,

Alan: Ai nu you are still working but Charlie had already left.

Jeff: I know he texted me but I was not done with my work so I asked him first to go I will go later when it's done.

Alan: Ok so let me check once then you can also go home.

Jeff nodded.

Alan: Wow nu you are so good at it, it's perfect.

Jeff: Thanks Lung.

Alan: Wait did you just called me lung?

Jeff: Yes everyone calls you lung right so why not me?

Alan: Yess everyone can but not you.

Jeff(got frustrated): but why?

Alan: Because I said so, you can rather call me Alan or what about Teerak.

Jeff got flustered and blushed a little.

Jeff: W--What are you saying?

On seeing Jeff stuttering Alan laughed out loud.

Alan: Oh nu I was just kidding you took it so seriously.

Jeff got irritated ,

Jeff(in a stern voice): If there is no more work left for me then I will take my leave now.

Alan:  aw nu don't be angry na, anyways you won't get any bus now come let me drop you.

Jeff: No thank you LUNG, I can't go but myself.

Alan: Why are you being so stubborn let me drop you.

Jeff: I said no right I can make it, you don't have to worry.

Alan: Ai nu why are you so pissed it was just a joke anyways you won't get a bus easily at this hour, and since all my workers are my responsibility i myself will drop you to your home and now it's final. Wait outside the garage I will just quickly check everything for the last time then we will leave.

Jeff sighed and nodded in defeat.

After locking the garage Alan came to where Jeff was standing.

Alan: Nu let's go I have checked everything.

With that they drove off to Jeff's house.

On the way to his house,

Alan: Nu did you meet the other workers today, sorry I didn't have time to introduce you to the others.

Jeff: It's ok lung I already did.

Alan: Oh that's good

Silence again filled them.

Infront of Jeff's house,

Jeff: Ok lung I will go now, thank you for the ride (with a straight face)

Alan: Are you still pissed about that joke?

Jeff: No why?

Alan: Oh you were silent the whole ride.

Jeff: Because I am like this, I don't like to talk much. Anyways I will be going now bye.

Alan: U-Uh ok.

With that Jeff entered into his house.

Alan: Why is he that weird, uh nevermind.


Author's note~

If you have come this far thank you for reading so much. Vote and comment will be appreciated. Feel free to suggest any ideas or to point out things i should work more on.


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