Chapter 2

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I can feel my heart about to jump out of my chest once I hear the words come from his mouth.

Him? Me? SAME class? Talk about disaster.

As awful scenes flow through by head, I see the bus pull up right in front of us snapping me back to reality.

"Uh...Nola? Are you planning to walk to school today? "

"What?!?! No, Pshhhh walk to school? Crazy?," I said bumbling like an idiot.

Way to freaking go Nola

"Then come on!," Canaan said hopping on the bus. I followed behind looking around for familiar faces but froze when I saw the guy that I was desperately trying to avoid:

Teddy Ryan

My ever so dearest boyfriend

"Hey, Nola!," Teddy gleamed.
" Why don't you sit here?", he asked encouraging me to sit down. I plastered a smile on my face and looked back at Canaan. He shrugged and sat down next to some friends from last year.

"Hey!", I said taking a seat next to Teddy. He hugged me and then left a quick kiss on my cheek causing a blush to creep on to my face. "I missed you," he said sincerely "I've missed you too," I said trying to act just as sincere.

He intertwined our fingers as he stared out the window. We sat in silence as the bus drove along the street.

Don't get me wrong, Teddy's a good guy and all but we have no connection. Well, not like what I feel with Canaan.

Minutes passed and we finally arrived to school and may I say, I have never been more relieved in my life. I grabbed my book bag and stood up just as the bus came to a complete stop. I rushed through the swarm of body and stepped out of the bus the same time Canaan did.

Whale this is awkward

"Ready to go?," Canaan asked walking up to the school building. "Sure, " I said following after him. The smell of preteen hormones hit me like a bus when I walked in. Everyone was squirming through the halls trying to get to their classes in time including me and Canaan. I was just about to get lost in a swarm of people when I felt someone tug at my hand:


A surge of happiness shoots through my arm as he tugs me to the hall. "C'mon Mrs.Brown's class is through here," he said. I nodded as we walked into the classroom.

The heat I felt slowly slipped away when Canaan let go of my hand and was replaced with a cold feeling as we took our seats. Since their were no 2 seats together we could take, I sat next to the window and Canaan sat at the back of the class.

" Hello students, My name is Mrs. Brown and I'll be your math teacher for the rest of the school year. Now this school year is going to be challenging....", Mrs.Brown went on but I tuned her out after a few minutes.

What am I going to do? Canaan's by crush but Teddy's still my boyfriend.

Well here's an idea: Break up with Teddy idiot!

"Nola? Are you paying attention? I wouldn't want to give you detention on the first day, now would I?"

My eyes snapped to Mrs.Brown as she looked at me raising her eyebrow. I muttered a sorry and slumped back into my seat.

Great not only don't you know what to do, but your teacher doesn't like you.

I looked back at Canaan and he gave me a Way-to-mess-up-the-first-day look but I turned around.

This is going to be a long day

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