Chapter 9 (FB)

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Time skip few days …

Mina is walking in speed from the airport …as soon as she found out that her boyfriend got married a whore …

she heads towards his apartment with a lot of heist ringing the bell continuously banging the door …

Ara in hurry answers the door to see a young girl with model hourglass figure looking at her in rage ….

before anything she pulls Ara silky long  hair taking her off guard …

Ara : Ahhhh !!!

Mina : Your fucking bitch how dare you try to get close to my boyfriend how dare you try to use your trick

Ara : ahhh please leave mee ahhh it hurts 

Mrs Han comes there looking at the scene 

Mrs Han : Mss mina leave her Please leave her !!!

Mina : ya old lady stay in your limits …

till Mingyu who was in the shower comes to see his girlfriend in Korea assulting his wife….

Mingyu : Mina !! Minaa Leave her …

Mina is pulling her hair till Mingyuu pushed her back…….

Mina witness how Mingyuu is consoling her…

Mingyuu : Are you ok hmm does it hurt somewhere…?

Ara is shocked Mingyu care for her …he sees her concern face while Mina is shocked…

Ara shakes her head to deny it…

He stands in front of Ara

mina : what the fuck arr you doing let me teach this bitch a lesson !!!

Mina was about to attack her till Mingyu holds her ….to while Mrs Han is consoling Ara who is scared…

Mingyu : Mina Mina MYOIII MINAAA!!! enough…


Mina : How can you cheat on me …huh Mingyu…

He pickes her up in his embrace taking her to one of the room while she is shouting…

Mingyu : Look baby im sorry you got to know like this im really sorry but i did this because of My revenge… please i promise there is no EMOTIONAL attachment i am doing this for noona please …its just appa told me to I swear its only for few days nothing else…

Mina : But why marrying her…

Mingyu : because she is that bastards weakness ill make him suffer the way he made my sister suffer please …his whole his existance will wanish …and guess what she will be our maid !!!

Mina : But Mingyu baby whyy…

Mingyu : Trust me there is nothing between us

Mingyu : And no one knows the real reason of this marrige so it is your duty to keep things safe.

Mina : I trust you Mingyu ….If you dare crosss the line your in love with that bitch you will see the worst side of me and better keep one Arm distance…with her…

Mingyu doesnt know what he agreed to while he nods to her demand.but inside he is longing for her.

Time skip : 

Ara is trying to control her tears cutting the veggies recalling what happed while Mingyuu is with Mina till she is pulled by a strong force…

Ara : Mingyu shi…

Mingyu takes her to one of thee bedroom

As mingyu press on the wound 

Mingyu : shh…its ok please bear with me hmm ..didnt you say that it doesnt hurt huh…

Ara : I am actually i…

Mingyu : ok wait …just bear with me…

Ara sees his caring side for again time…how he is concern for her how his eyes show guilt because she js hurt …he is applying wound cream while the girl is siting …looking at hom with her beautiful doe eyes…

Mingyu : Does it hurt 

Ara shakes her head ..

how about your hair…

Ara : it doesnt hurt …

Mingyu …sees her doe eyes he is lost on them…his heart is beating staring at her…he is staring at he rosy lips before he could go further he recalls Mina words 

(Flashback )

Mina : you better not fall in love with her Mingyu or you will see the worst side of me

Mingyu : I promise….

Flashback ends 

the male clear his throat…looking away.

Mingyu : Mina will be staying here she doesnt know what kind of relation are we in so better understand that ok !!! I want my girlfriend to have the best treatment

She is the girl I love so take care of her dont upset her ok ?!

Ara feels pang in her heart to flip …one minute he is caring for her the next minute he crushed her …this man is known for his Mysterious behaviour

AHis eomma ,Nana  and siblings are dead against his relationship with Mina as they feel mina isnt the right girl for the family…only his dad and aunt are for Mina…poor girl sees the way they go…

Ara is tolerating everything for the sake of their relationship the family isnt aware of the way their contract is set between from him.

ra just nods to his demand and he leaves from there …

with time  Ara slowly fell in love with him though he they had bad history he indirectly small small things he was there when she needed him he doesnt even realise how he helped her…bringing the youung girl to fall for him ……not only her he always respects his grandparents her mother in law her father in law ……though they didnt support him still he did would not disrespect him.

over the period of Few months …Ara started to see his different side…which makes her confused either he would be really caring towards her and the next moment he insult her breaking the young girl heart she started to fall in love with her husband but she knows this only temporary eventually he will tell her to leave him that moment she knows she wont be able to bare it…because she is in love with Mingyu …

The girl heart breaks to think about his and Mina relationship…ara is aware of Mingyu and Mina relationship…but has no say to it because she is nothing to him….

He is her husband slowly the girl didn't realise that Mingyu become her whole world where as he only think of her as her contract but…his behaviour confuses her a lot .

the girl isnt aware that his heart beats for one person that is her …but he is himself confused.

Heartless Ways ( Mingyu) ( KMG|| JJk) ✅💙Where stories live. Discover now