Chapter 53

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Mr and Mrs Kim and the rest of the family are  in the living room .
Thhey see towards the main entrance making them gasp in shock they saw

Mingyu with ...Their innocent and Lovely  daughter in law that they loved safe and healthy ....Immediately their eyes went on the little baby  figure who is confusing looking at them who resemblance Mingyu childhood ... the chubby baby who is clinging on Ara pendent... making them shock ...

Mrs Kim goes towards Ara who is all nervous to face them as she lied to them being alive while Mr Kim is also shocked ...till Mrs Kim hugs Ara... : see Minho i told you she is alive i child is alive...I Always Knew My Ara was alive..

Ara why did you leave us ,didnt you treat as parent huh ...

Ara doesnt realise when she burst out crying in her eommanim embrace...Since ...she got married there hasnt been a day where Somi loved Ara...Like her own daughters..
she was craving for the warmth since years...while everyone Witness their bond making Their eyes bless

Somi : I know my child shh you dont have to say anything to me ...I am soo glad your back ...

Somi was in tears to see Ara all healthy till her eyes went towards grand child who curiously looking at them she ... Mrs Kim is soo emotional yet happy to see Wonnie while asking for Wonn is her grandson and the girl nods to see a little version of his parents who is looking at Somi Grandma in Curious doe eyes...

Mrs Kim without any delay...takes her baby grandson figure ... into her warm embrace while the little boy is feeling confused...Looking at nee figure in curious eyes

Mrs Kim kisses all over his face ...while tears are not stopping her eyes as its soo emotional to see him ...

Mr Kim also greet Ara who politely bows the elder male while he looks at his grandson with pride...

somi : Minho Look he is just like Mingyu right ? Those features...

Minho : I know I know Somi ah ... He is soo cute ...just like Mingyu when eh was a baby ...also like Ara see him..

Somi : Minho ...we are grandparents see..our grandson ...

Minho looks at his figure adoring his tiny figure while

Somi : eomma Im a grandma ...see. and your a great grandma...look at our ...child

Nana : yes Somi Ah ...Congratulations both of you

Somi : you to eomma..

while Wonnie is looking at them confused at the elderly couple who is soo warm towards he  he immediately burst out pouting getting confused...

Wonnie : amamama (pout)...

Wonnie : mama ,...(confused)

the elder chuckle to his cute act while ...Somi gives him back...

Ara : baby thats your Halaeomoni  and Hara Aeoboji  shh its ok hmm dont be scared hmm

little wonnie is resting his head on Ara shoulder...

Yonah : He even throws tanturams like Gyu right eomma ? Remember unnie when Gyu would never leave you alone huh being mama boy

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