CHAPTER 3: lavish living.

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   It had started to rain a little, and that gave you something to look at as Frost drove you, Joker, and his goons to your new home. You were occupying yourself with focusing and unfocusing your eyes, that way at one moment, you could see the raindrops collecting on the window, and the next, you could see the scenery beyond the glass. It was a stupid way to pass the time, but it was better than the alternative: opening your mouth and embarrassing yourself in front of Joker. Or worse, pissing him off.

   Every so often, though, you'd glance over at Joker to monitor his movements. Even though you were on his team now, you still felt suspicious of him and his unpredictable nature. But, every time you looked, he was in the same position as the last time: head tilted back, eyes closed, and red lips parted. You mentally noted the fact that, in some sick, twisted way, he looked handsome.

   Was he asleep? Did Joker ever sleep? You didn't know. To you, he seemed like a subhuman being. One that didn't need the typical human necessities to survive. One that could be up at every hour of every day and thrive, and one that never had to eat or drink. He looked like he could simply exist without relying on anything. Like some kind of supernatural entity. You knew that was an unrealistic thought, but when had anyone ever seen Joker doing something normal like sleeping?

   You realized that he wasn't asleep when you looked over at him for the umpteenth time. This time, his eyes were wide open, blue irises piercing your soul with icy fear. Your breath caught in your throat, and you were incapable of speaking.

   He just smiled at you before closing his eyes again. He liked to catch you off guard, that was obvious. But, you didn't like it one bit. Hopefully, as you grew to know him more, you would get used to it. Or, better yet, he'd lose interest in you. You, no doubt, had some sort of appeal because of how new you were to him. Once you had lost your luster, you'd just be another Frost. And that was something you were okay with. The spotlight was never something you had yearned for in any capacity other than criminal. In fact, you hated social spotlights more than anything else.

   After Joker had caught you looking at him, you didn't dare look over there again. Instead, you continued your pastime of focusing and unfocusing your eyes. You could feel an itching sensation at your side; not really a physical one, though. It was more akin to the feeling of being watched. And you knew that you were definitely being watched by a certain green-haired criminal seated next to you.

   After a bit, Frost pulled into the driveway of what could only be described as a grandiose mansion. You were so focused on not looking at Joker that you had forgotten to really process where you were. Sure, your eyes had been glued out the window, but the imagery that hit your retinas didn't quite hit your brain. So, you couldn't help the small "wow" that tumbled out of your lips at the unexpected sight. The mansion was gorgeous, and its white exterior made it stand out prettily against the night sky. It even had a fountain in its yard, for God's sake! You had always imagined Gatsby's mansion looking like this whenever you had been forced to read The Great Gatsby at school.

   Joker had evidently heard your exclamation of pleasure, for he chuckled. "Like it?"

   You looked at him and nodded, speechless.

   "Good, good."

   You reached for the door, eager to see the inside of this place. You exited the car with far more enthusiasm than everyone else, surveying the structure before you with glee. Gotham wasn't exactly the richest city in the world; it was a dump, honestly. So, mansions (or even decent-looking houses) were new to you. You were more used to rat-infested apartments.

   You knew that starting now, your life was about to improve tenfold. You had initially made a scene over leaving your things behind, but who cared? If you could live here, any loss that you went through would immediately be replaced with things of equal or greater value. Joker was right; he had everything you could ever need.

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