XLVIII. Dreaming?

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I HADN'T EXPECTED STAN TO SHOW UP, but hadn't expected Alex to show up either

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I HADN'T EXPECTED STAN TO SHOW UP, but hadn't expected Alex to show up either.

It was awkward because of a certain unexpected, unwelcome guest. I could see that Theo, in particular, was on edge because of Stan and I was worried that he might try to start a fight.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was keeping an eye on that guy to make sure he didn't do anything stupid."

My guess that Alex would be rather sensitive towards his rival in the royal court was correct. He had narrowly obtained the position of crown prince and he couldn't afford to lose it.

While my brothers held a meeting about Stan, I gladly showed Alex around our villa.

"This is our bedroom."

"Are you all sleeping together?"

Traces of our pillow fight remained on the extended bed.

The scene must have been unfamiliar to Alex, who tended to be a loner within the Imperial Palace. I got on my tiptoes, reached out, and patted him on his head.

"Your Highness, would you like to sleep with us?"

"Huh? No, that's not..."

He was still a kid. When I asked if he wanted to play around with us, Alex's face turned bright red as he waved off my invitation.

He was cold in front of others, but he was pretty cute when he acted shy in front of me.

"However, I appreciate the offer."

"It's a pity. It's fun to play around together at night. I'm a master of pillow fights, after all."

"Please show me next time."

By 'next time' did he mean that we should have a match after I entered the Imperial Palace? Anyway, I hadn't realized that he had been keeping such a close eye on Stan.

"Meryl, some dinner for His Highness. And please take care of the other men who accompanied him."

"Yes, Young Master."

Since my sister was busy treating Grand Duke Winterbaum, I will take care of everything, ensuring that nothing was lacking. And above all, I prioritized looking after Alex's bed. After I ordered a bath to be prepared, Alex asked me a somewhat oblique question.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm already ready to sleep... Achoo!"

Even during the summer, it was quite chilly at night so I let out a sneeze. Alex told a maid that was standing behind me to quickly bring a shawl.

"It'll be a problem if you catch a cold while on vacation."

"Are you worried about me?"

"Because we're friends..."

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