Parietal Glitch

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Another year sees revolution about sun,
You ask me what have I done? To be honest not a tonne,
I dreamed up an invention to save mankind,
But I forgot to get the patent signed,

So the malfeasant reprobates behind malware,
Combed through my brain and set a snare,
I tripped up and gave them the keys,
To treasure trove worth billions and I didn't hear please,

So once again I watch from the sideline,
Others succeeding holding up my sign,
When will it ever be my turn to win?
I guess I won't find out til I give in to sin,

When I decide to cheat and steal,
Then maybe I'll get a multi million dollar deal,
I'll stroll down easy street absorbing the high,
Blinded by brightness of my own star in the sky,

Nah for real I'm just a regular guy.

~ Farls Tokley

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