Invisible Thief

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Procrastination is a disease just like any other,
My days start with good intentions then I say "why bother"
My goals get put together like pieces of a puzzle,
But that one missing piece acts like a muzzle,

Silencing me when I have so much to say,
Depriving the world of my words of the day,
Ideas piped to my brain from heavenly bodies,
Get lost in translation while I practice pilates,

I switch gears frequently from fruitful to futile,
Shedding a tear as my smile tastes of bile,
Praying for an intuitive angel to drape me in her wings,
As she whispers in my ear of the important little things,

It's all those seemingly insignificant factors,
That make the difference between prophets and actors,
So pay attention to silence as well as the noise,
And pragmatism will provide you strength and poise

When the day comes you find your success,
Think of those days your space was a mess,
Hold your head high let your light shine,
Remember how that confused life worked out fine.

~ Farls Tokley.

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