Condescension Convention

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When people speak in a condescending manner,
Are they really displaying a jealousy banner?
Are they so desperate to steal your thunder,
They forget about their ability to wonder,

For them it may be lesser of two evils,
Their brain can't cope with social upheavals ,
Then the gaslighting begins if you call bullshit,
So you keep quiet choking on soured spit,

While they carry on proudly lackadaisical ,
With false sense of bravado how typical,
Is there a name for this sentient subset,
So scared to think cause their brains have been sublet,

Walking around on orgulous auto pilot,
Sticking it to their lesser's like a pretentious pirate,
I'd like to put an end to this behaviour once and for all,
Listen up friends, they can't talk down to those who stand tall.

~ Farls Tokley

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