Falling Fast - EIGHT

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The smell of freshly brewed coffee was all I could smell, Cody smiling at me taking the iced latte. "I can't believe you drink iced coffee.." I chuckled, he rolled his eyes, a cute smile on his face.

"I drink everything cold! Coffee, soda, water, milk, orange juice, apple juice.. You name it! Oh but not hot chocolate." He scratched his cheek, chuckling.

I smiled at him, leaning my elbow on the counter and putting his money in the register. "Your change." I slid a dollar in his direction, sighing and lifting my head up.
"You sure you're good to go home in this weather.??" I asked, looking out the window.

"Uhh... I'll wait a bit for it to clear up.." He chuckled, a nervous smile on his face as he walked to a seat nearby, taking his phone out of his pocket and messaging someone, I assume he was messaging somebody at least.

I smiled, day dreaming about going home and reading a nice book, not having to be here at work. Then again, Cody's here. Imagine Cody sitting next to me and reading with me.

My stomach flipped and I felt someone grab at my arm. "Noah, we should talk." Trent said, scratching his neck and pulling me to the break room.

"What's the fuss?? Oliver will get mad if no one's at the register." I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at Trent.

Trent sighed, looking at his watch and then looking at me. "This is important."
I looked at him confused. "Okay what is it?"
He sighed again, looking awkward.
"Okay, Noah. I know you fall fast, but you hardly know this guy. Get to know him before you do anything crazy."

Trent patted me on the shoulder and walked away, all I could do was sit there stunned. Who was he talking about? WHAT was he talking about? I don't like anyone, and I'm straight.


Was he talking about Cody?

I know i've been hanging around Cody a lot but I wouldn't say I have a crush on him... Sure he's sweet, but I don't think I'm into him. I mean, kissing him wouldn't be all too bad..

Fuck I think I like Cody.

I drag myself out of the break room after a minute, walking to the counter, my eyes meeting Cody's soft ocean eyes. I feel so aware of everything around me, how I move my finger, how I stand, how mouth is moving when I talk, and yet my eyes are glued to Cody.

He smiled, letting an awkward chuckle escape his mouth before he spoke. "Hey so.. I'm not 100% sure when you get off but I was wondering if you could take me home when you do?" He asked, doing puppy dog eyes that couldn't say no to.

"No— Yeah, sure. That'd be great, mhm!" I chuckled, nodding hastily. Cody smiled, leaning over the counter and quickly one arm hugging me.

I only had thirty minutes left till I was off and yet it felt like years.

A way to find out you're gay (NOCO)Where stories live. Discover now