All About Noah - NINE

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You know, I don't really know that much about Noah. Which is fair, because he doesn't really know much about me either. I want to know more about him,, and not only because if I knew more about him this car ride wouldn't be so awkward, but because— he's a cool guy?

Actually I don't know. He seems like a really stereotypical smart guy. Good grades, loves to read, snarky attitude, just a normal guy. But there's more to him. I mean, there's more to everyone than what the blind eye sees.

I want to know what music he listens to, whether he's into rock, hippie music, pop. I don't know what about him is so attractive.

Not attractive— attracting. I'm attracted to him but like, not like that. I'm attracted to him in a friend way. Y'know?

Of course you know, you're just the voice in my head.


I looked down at my lap, somewhat fixing my slouch and gripping my hands onto the fabric on my knees. "Sooo—" I straightened my posture smiling at him. "What type of music do you listen too? Like, what's your favorite artist."

Noah looked like he was in thought, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. "I'm not really a "musical" person.." He moved a had he'd been resting on his knee, scratching his cheek.

"Okayyy, well you have to have some sort of artist you like."

Noah shrugged, nodding. "Yeah. I guess. I like The Smiths, and deftones.. That type of stuff." He smiled, trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"REALLY? I love The Smiths, and deftones."  I grinned, fidgeting my fingers.

Noah's smile widened a bit, "Well then, what's your favorite artist?"

I scratched my cheek. "Definitely Weezer."

"Seriously? Half of their songs are about having sex— or mention sex."

"Don't judge man! And that's totally not true." Noah rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Okay okay," He smiled. "Besides music, is there anything you're into?" He asked.

"I, Uhhh. I like video games?"

"Why are we at mcdonald's?" I asked. Noah shrugged, pulling into the drive through.

"Well, since you were so eager to know what I like, I figured we could talk and eat." He smiled, I couldn't help but smile back.

He asked me what I wanted and ordered, parking the car in the parking lot after we got our food.

All I can hear is the sound of rain hitting the top of the car like crazy. I think this storm is getting worse..
I shoved some fries in my mouth, looking out the window at a poor kitty, getting soaked in the rain water.

"Mm!" I grabbed Noah's arm, pointing to the cat and swallowing my fries. "Look at that poor kitty!" I frowned.

"Why the hell is there a stray behind a mcdonald's.." Noah questioned.

I shrugged, letting go of Noah's arm and dropping everything I was doing. I'm not letting a poor kitten freeze! "I'm getting that cat."

"What- Cody it's pouring." I shrugged, unlocking the car door and getting out. Maybe Noah will be impressed— risking getting sick to save a poor kitten.

Wait, why am I even thinking about this? I tried covering my head from the rain as I slowly approached the little orange kitty.

"Come here kitty.." I tried to make kissy sounds to get the cat to come over to me, the cat staring at me with a scared little expression. Okay that didn't work..

I heard a car door slam behind me, scaring both me and the kitten. I looked over to it, spotting Noah get out of the car with a small frown, probably because of the rain pouring on his head, his long hair almost seemingly getting longer as it got wet.

Noah walked over to the cat, holding his hand out to it, letting it sniff his fingers and eventually petting it.

He picked up the cat, sniffling a bit and walking over to me, handing me it carefully. I held the cat, walking back to Noah's car and getting in the passenger seat, Noah getting back in the car also.

"He's so skinny!" I pet him. Noah nodded.

"What are you gonna do with him.. I doubt your dad would be happy with you bringing a stray cat home." I shrugged, taking off my over shirt and wrapping it around the kitten.

"He can deal with it. Hey, speak of. Cats or dogs?" I asked him.

"Definitely dogs. I'm allergic to cats.." He chuckled a bit.

"Wait— really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, nothing deathly. Just— makes me kinda need to sneeze.." He rubbed his nose, his face going a bit red.

"Ohhh." I reached into the mcdonald's bag, pulling out a fry and trying to feed it to the cat.

"Thank you for dropping me off, Noah." I smiled at him, he walked me to my porch, the cat still in my arms.

He nodded, smiling at me. "It's no problem. You should go inside before you freeze." He chuckled, making my stomach spin weirdly.

I laughed a bit back at him, nodding hastily. "Yeah, thank you." He nodded once again, smiling at me and waving "goodbye" before leaving.

I watched as he drove away, only going inside when his car was out of view.
"I'm home!!"

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