Chapter Five | Hate

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Evelyn Carmine POV

Hate fills my body when I hear Aletheas name. I'll always remember when she first stumbled into English class in freshman year. She had rough clothes, shirts and pants entirely too big for her. I wish I could make fun of her face, her perfect face. It enrages me just thinking about it. Her perfect greenish, hazel eyes, button nose, supple skin. I wish she had a lazy eye so I could make fun of it.

She seemed to have skipped puberty completely. As me and everyone else worried about all the negative effects of being a teenager, when the world seemed over, she didn't suffer one bit. No acne, no nothing, and she doesn't even seem to realize it and that infuriates me even more.

You could say I was jealous, and maybe I was at the time. I raised hell on her life, ruining her reputation before it was ever made to begin with. People in this school know better than to even talk to Alethea in general, i've made that clear.

Of course she has her best friend, but no one else even dares. Yes I admit, it seems crazy and a little psycho like some book but I don't care. Once I seen her for the first time, I had a weird feeling in my stomach and I was drawn to her, not in a good way.

After I broke into her locker that day, feeling super guilty, my best friend, Araryn told me, "You don't know it yet, but that's okay, I'll be here for you until you figure it out."

I am still puzzled as I have no clue on what he was talking about. When I ask him about it, he brushes it off like he said nothing at all.

I hate people like Alethea. She is bisexual, and heat fills my body. I caught her kissing a girl in the back of the school once in 10th grade, I outed her. I told everyone about what she did and created rumors in spite of it. No one seemed to care but I did, I did with a passion.

Araryn gets angry with my homophobia. He always scolds me but it has no long lasting effect on me. My mind will never change.


I made sure I looked my best for the third day of school. Like i've said before, I always go all out, especially during the first week of school.

I put on one of my favorite pairs of heels. Thank god the school doesn't have some weird dress code in regards to wearing heels. It doesn't matter anyways, as I wouldn't follow it. My family is one of the richest in the country, what can the school do? I would probably fire the administrators and make sure they never set foot on another school again, the power of money.

Once I get to school I am flooded with a crowd of people. They're all fake, I'm very aware. My best friend Araryn is not here today sadly. His family is rich, his father played professional basketball and his mother works in real estate. He carries the weight of success on his shoulders. He's always so overwhelmed trying to make his father proud. In my opinion, it is just too much, he doesn't even like sports.

After the multiple complements and useless small talk, I walk to my locker. As i'm walking, I immediately search for Alethea in the hallways. I pass her locker on the way to mine and she is not there. I find it strange but I continue.

She was not in Biology or Art class either. She was acting strange yesterday and I contemplate asking Amara on why she's not here today but I don't. If I ask, it seems like I care and I obviously don't. It would be strange for someone like me to even talk to Amara, let alone ask her about my enemy; everyone knows we hate each other.

Art class and English class are my favorite classes, the ones I excel most at. I find art to be very sophisticated. Me and my father used to do pottery, and make crafts very often together. With art, you are able to express emotions within images. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words ever can. It's always been my escape.

Once my father died, I stopped. I found no purpose in doing it if he wasn't here to make things with me. When we moved, it's like my mother totally forgot about my father in general. No more art on the walls, on the fridge, no more photos, nothing. She didn't express much emotion when I showed her my art.

She told me it reminded her too much of my dad and she didn't like it. Hearing words like that come out of my mom's mouth I stopped completely. When we moved into our newest mansion, I requested an art room. My mother was hesitant, she originally wanted a tennis court but after so much convincing, she let me have it.

I haven't done anything in that room since it was built. I decorated it with all my art work as well as my father's. I am the only one who put anything of my dad's in the home, sad really.

I've always wanted to be an artist or writer but those dreams were crushed when my mother told me I needed to take over her business once I graduate college. I have no say when it comes between me and my mom. She is not the loving and caring person I once knew. Now, just a fake face and fake personas she perfected over the years for her "image". We need to have the perfect family in her eyes.

We have no family when the glue that held everything died, my father.


I apologize for not updating as frequently and not writing very much. It is lowkey a lot when actually writing. I get angry when people upload short chapters and take forever but now I know why lol. I've been very busy blah blah. I'll be updating longer chapters soon!! Bear with me y'all🙏🥲🥲

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