Chapter Seven | It all begins

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Alethea Montgomery POV
I felt good today. I woke up and got ready, Amara got ready with me because she stood the night. We drove to school together.

It's half way through the day and english class is starting, i'm elated. We are finally starting to do work in classes.

I get into class early, and open my text book while I wait for the teacher to come in. Just as I'm about to start my journey to la la land, and then I hear the sound of heels clicking.

I physically sigh as I hear her walking behind me. I didn't even notice she was here when I came in.

"I bet that textbook makes you want to touch yourself."

That voice, that velvety voice. Her voice is embedded in my mind. If I was in a room with 100 people, I would be able to differentiate her voice with the others.

I turn around in my chair, I feel like I can't breathe. She looks amazing like always. Her sleek light brown hair, which seems to always be in perfect shape. I swear she never has bad hair days.

Her icy blue eyes that seem to stare deep into my soul. Her pearly white teeth bitting down on her maroon bottom lip.

"Do you want to watch?" I question as a response to her gross comment. I scoff rolling my eyes. I'm kind of in the mood to go back and forth with her. I know the exact things to piss her off, especially with her internalized homophobia.

Her eyes scrunch in what I assume is disgust.

"In your dreams, dyke." She says irritated.

That word, that one word that i've been hearing since freshman year. She uses it so freely and who's going to stop her? No one. She's Evelyn fucking Carmine. Her name screams money signs.

She could be walking and you hear trumpets and violins in the back. Okay maybe that's dramatic but that's what people act like in this school when it comes to Evelyn.

Ever since she caught me with a girl, she's started this whole ordeal. After starting hateful rumors that were not true, it's like my world stopped.

It's not like i'm the only gay person at school either, let alone the whole world. It's like she's perfectly fine with everyone else, but me.

I'm not sure if it was my financial issues, me being gay, or me just being my self, but she can't seem to let it go. There's some constant warfare in her mind or something.

Why couldn't she have berated some other girl? Why me? So many questions i'll never have the answer to.

I try my best to never let her get to me. I think it was me giving no reaction towards her words or actions, that may have been what fueled her strong hatred towards me. Nothing has ever been good enough for her, and I don't think it ever will.

She wants me to be like everyone at the school, to worship her. Of course, I'll never give her the satisfaction. I would never like someone like her, ever.

"Please, don't flatter your self Evelyn. I never think of you, let alone dream of you, only in my nightmares." Stupid attempt but my mood was killed once she called me a dyke.

She laughs manically, that cruel laughter i've been accustomed to hearing for the past 4 years.

"Really? Are you that scared of me Alethea?" She says sarcastically.

I actually laugh at her comment. "Evelyn honey, don't kid yourself." I stop for a moment. "What are you going to do huh? Slap my books out my hand? Slam me into my locker?" I say mockingly.

She acts so big and bad it's actually laughable. I mean come on, she's almost 18 years old would it kill her to act her age? Probably.

Her jaw clenches, she bends down. I hold my breath. Vanilla with a hint of something else. God she smells divine. I'm not even going to deny it either. Even after playing volleyball all gross and sweaty, she smells so good.

She smiles before she whispers in my ear, "Don't make me show you how scary I can be."

I go to respond but I can't, I physically can't. My voice is stuck in my throat. She takes my non response as a challenge because she says, "I'm sure your father wouldn't want to go back behind bars would he?"

What. The. Fuck. She brought up my dad? She's never done that before. My dad was never in jail, I don't even think she knows he died. I used to give her props for being a decent human being but I guess I was wrong.

My skin feels like it's on fire, heroin coursing through every last vein. I go to swing at her but the teacher walks in. Probably for the best, he saved her from being pounced on. Maybe me too, I can't get suspended.

She flinched, hard. If she was anyone else, I would wonder why, or even feel guilty, but no. It's Evelyn, why would I feel bad for someone like her? She has no ounce of love or compassion in her body.

She smirks and she walks back over to her desk. I feel her eyes in me the whole class. Once class ends, I stand up and leave immediately. I know I can't escape her because we have our first Volleyball practice today after school.

Someone could try to kill me right now and I wouldn't even fight back. Take me out of my misery. Ugh.

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