CH 2: What's this feeling?

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《Songs: Dandelions by Ruth B.》

If you want other songs too just mention it !!

Ayansh's POV

I was heading out of the hospital, feeling exhausted and drained after a long day of work.

Being in medical field is definitely not easy.

I had done my best to stay focused and efficient, but I was still feeling tired from the day's workload and stress.
I was heading towards the exit, hoping the long day would be over soon, when I caught a glimpse of someone.

It was that girl I had bumped into that morning, the one I had gotten angry at in the heat of the moment.

Why her again?!

God do you want me to apologize that badly???!!


I looked at her, and a sense of guilt began to build inside me. I knew I shouldn't have acted like that with a complete stranger who I had just met, and yet... I feel so much guilt as I remember the way I had talked to her earlier, when I was still annoyed and upset.
I was suddenly feeling like I wanted to make things right, explain myself to her...

But why??

I dont usually explain myself to others than why a complete stranger??

Ok whatever lets finish it here.

"I'm sorry..." I wanted to say, but I didn't know how she was going to react. I knew I had to say it, but I felt so embarrassed about the whole situation.
I swallowed my nerves, trying to say those three important words...

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. I had to apologize, I had to say it. Even though she was just a stranger, I had to set things right...

I walked towards her, my heart pounding in my chest. I had to say it, had to apologize. I needed to let her know that I was sorry about how I had treated her earlier, that I was sorry...

I called her from behind, but she didn't seem to notice me...

Is she ignoring me or what.

Should i go close to her.

What if i make her uncomfortable.

But i need to say sorry.

" Excuse me..".
I called her again but still she didn't seem to pay any attention to me. I was starting to feel more and more frustrated with myself, I needed her to notice me and hear what I was saying to her...

Fuck it....

Bro just reach to her and say sorry!!
Is it that hard.

I walked towards her quickly, and tapped her shoulders gently. I had to get her attention somehow, I wanted to speak to her and I needed her to pay attention. I needed to apologize and explain myself...

She turned around, and I saw her eyes meet mine. I felt a sudden rush of nervousness and embarrassment, but I knew I had to make up for my actions earlier.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, but I remained steady as I tried to speak...

Why the hell i am feeling this way.

Why the hell i am feeling this way

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