CH 5:The Traumas

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[Warning:this part contain trauma,self harm , depression, anxiety so please be aware. Keep smiling you are the best]

Maanya's POV

as we were heading out from the café to college, I saw Trisha and ran towards her.

I was eager to tell her about what happened, and I wanted to share everything with her.

"Trisha, I have something to tell you!" I said excitedly, wanting her reaction to this big news.

Everytime something happens, I am always eager to tell Ayansh and Trisha.
They are my closest friends, and I can't keep anything from them.

I trust them completely, and I knew that I would always have their support.

After leaving Ayansh, we went in our dorm room.

"Aryan asked me to be his partner for the fest!" I said,
we started jumping and laughing.

It was like we couldn't stop ourselves, our excitement for the party overflowing.

We knew it was going to be amazing, and just the thought of it was enough to make us thrilled.
Trisha was already planning her outfit and makeup, and I couldn't wait to do the same.

"What should I wear? Should I ask Aryan so we can match the outfits?" I said, my mind racing with ideas.
I wanted to look my best for the party, and it would be even better if Aryan and I matched outfits.
I couldn't wait to discuss this with him, and I was already imagining all the cute pictures we would take.

"Maanya, I am just telling you for your sake but I think you should not love him that much." Trisha said, with a hint of concern in her voice.
I was taken aback, and my heart sank.

Was she right? Was I being too obsessive over Aryan, to the extent that this was not healthy anymore?
But I could not think clearly at the moment, I was blinded by my feelings for him.

She held my hands, and her touch felt warm and reassuring.
"What if he doesn't love you this much and you end up crying?" She asked, her voice full of concern.
My heart sunk, I had always believed that Aryan liked me as much I liked him.
But was I being naive? Was I seeing more because I wanted to?
"But what if he does?" I said, my voice filled with hope.

"Then for sure it's going to be my treat!" She said, laughing, but there was still an underlying tone of concern in her face.

Even though I wanted to believe that Aryan did like me, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if she was right.
My heart was split, one trying to keep things hopeful, the other reminding me of the worst case scenario.

"But if he breaks your heart, I swear I will break his balls," she joked, and I couldn't help but laugh.

And I had full faith in Trisha to do what needed to be done to make Aryan regret it.

"Sure, just not balls but the bat too." I said, and Trisha just laughed.
It was like we were in a frenzy about what to do to Aryan in the unlikely scenario that he hurt me.
But deep down, I also knew that such a possibility did exist, and I was scared of it.
I wanted to believe that Aryan would never hurt me, but I also wanted to be prepared, just in case.

(At 6 pm)

I was doing my work for my anatomy test, and I was completely focused on it.
The anatomy test was crucial, and I couldn't afford to mess up.

I was going over the material again and again, trying to commit it to memory.
The only sound in my dorm room was the sound of my pen scribbling furiously against the paper, and every once in a while the quiet murmuring of my voice as I read out loud to myself.

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