CH 7: Who is she?

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Maanya's POV

She looks way prettier than me and she got a perfect body. I saw the way she was dressed, and it was clear that she had taken care of her appearance.

Her features were flawless and she had a curvy figure that was hard to miss.

I felt so insecure and I felt like she was out of my league. I couldn't help but try to compare myself to her and I felt like a pale shadow next to her.

She looked rich and a good match for Ayansh. Her outfit was fashionable and expensive, and she seemed to be well-groomed and well-kept. She was a good match for Ayansh in every way possible.

I felt so insecure next to her. My wardrobe and my looks could never match hers. She was the definition of a perfect match for him, and I couldn't help but feel inferior next to her.

I couldn't help but to admire her, but my heart was clenching.

I knew that I couldn't measure up to her, and my heart was racing at the thought of facing the woman whom Ayansh would probably pick over me.

The world would be just, if he settled for someone like her, who had everything that he could ask for. It would be poetic justice if he picked her and I was left behind.

But why do I care?

He's just a friend of mine, right?

What is this crushing feeling that's tearing me apart? I can't shake off this sickening feeling of jealousy. I know that I shouldn't care because he is just a friend.

Watching her, I suddenly realized that she was the one who deserves him. I was nothing next to her.

"Are you a student here too?"
She asked.

I nodded my head, trying to hold back my emotions.

"Yes, I'm a student in the first year of medical school."

"How do you know him?" She asked.

I hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"We are friends," I replied, feeling my heart sink as I said the words.

"Oh I wonder why he started being more friendly," she said, looking me up and down.

My heart sank again as I felt her eyes on me. Was she trying to make me feel insecure?

My confidence was plummeting with each second of this encounter.

"How do you know him?" I asked, feeling my insecurities growing with each passing second.

I was curious. Who was she to Ayansh? A friend? A best friend? Or maybe even a girlfriend? That's probably what they were.

"We have been friends for a few years now," she said

They seemed to have a strong connection and I didn't want to think about them as a couple, but this thought kept creeping into my mind. I tried to ignore it and focus on myself but the thought stayed. This woman was clearly more special to Ayansh than I could ever be.

Ayansh's POV

After the festival, I had some work to finish, so I had to come to college. But now all the work is done and I'm on my way to the garden.

My thoughts were filled with all the memories of the festival and all the amazing times that we shared. I couldn't help but feel giddy.

As I entered the garden, I saw Maanya at our usual spot. This time she was with another girl and she looked worried and stressed

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