CH 8: Hard to resist 🖤

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Maanya's POV

《Levitating by Dua lipa》

Hritik was enjoying himself with his friends and we were sitting on the drink counter.

The place was open ground covered in a huge crowd.

The people were dancing like crazy and it was a sight to see.

It was fun to watch but I still couldn't take my mind off of Ayaansh and Kritika.

He should've arrived by now. It didn't make sense they were taking this long.

"Come girl, let's dance,"
Trisha pulled me onto the dance floor.

Once we were there, I started to enjoy myself.

It was fun to let out all my energy and just dance my heart out.

Our group were dancing and letting loose.

We were all going wild and losing ourselves in the music and the movement.

I was also letting out all the moves I knew and having a blast.

Hritik picked up Trisha on his shoulders and they were dancing like they were drunk.

Hritik picked up Trisha on his shoulders and they were dancing like they were drunk

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I just couldn't control my laughter at the sight of them.

They were both so carefree and were just letting go of all their worries and letting the music flow through them.

The crowd was going wild and I couldn't help but perform some wild moves as well.

Trisha yelled,
"Yeahhhh girl show that thing!!"

I smiled and kept on killing the dance floor with my moves.

The music was getting more and more intense and the crowd had reached a fever pitch of excitement.

We were all having the best time at the fest and it felt truly amazing.

The afternoon sun was rising and it was a perfect weather.

The sky was clear and the temperature were pleasant.

The atmosphere was perfect for such an amazing fest and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

There was a sense of joy and freedom in the air. People were letting go of the worries of the world and just enjoying the moment.

Trisha started twerking and became the center of attention.

"Ohhhhh yeahhhh,"
cheering and shouts everywhere.

Hritik couldn't help but cover her and it was so funny to watch.

It was a comical scene and the crowd was loving it.

Trisha's twerking moves were sending the crowd into a frenzy and everyone was cheering and chanting her name.

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