CH 6: First Move

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Ayansh's POV

There are people everywhere, students and teachers alike, going about their day. The sky is blue and the sun shines down on everyone, giving a sense of warmth and hope. The air is filled with laughter and smiles, as everyone seems to be in a good mood on this fine morning.

The college is hosting its annual festival, and everyone is excited for it. The students are already getting into the festive spirit, and there's a buzz of excitement in the air. The campus is alive with people and activity, as everyone gets ready for this special day.

As the anticipation builds, the students from other colleges are getting prepared for the events as well. Everyone is determined to make this festival a memorable one, and the atmosphere is buzzing with energy and positivity. The excitement is palpable, and the fest is going to be a lot of fun.

While i may not be a fan of parties and festivals, i don't mind enjoying this one with my friends. The atmosphere at the fest is electric and full of energy, and it's always fun to hang out with your friends. It's a great opportunity to create new memories and have a wonderful time together.

I'm here waiting outside Maanya and Trisha's dorm with my other friends in my car.

We're all excited for the fest and ready to have a great time.

It seems like girls always take so much time when it comes to getting ready for big events like this.

It's been more than an hour now, and we still haven't heard from Maanya and Trisha. We're starting to get a little annoyed and impatient, but we're trying to stay positive.

Oh god

Who girls are trying to impress

We are already impressed by your tantrums!!

"Ayansh, call them,"
one of my friends said as he looked at me intently.

I nodded, pulled out my phone and dialed Maanya's number. It rang a few times before she picked up, and when she heard that it was me she said, "Oh hey, what's up?"

What does she mean by whats up

Girl we have been waiting for eternity

"Are you gonna come or not?"
I aksed

"Sorry, yeah, we'll be there soon. We're just finishing up some last-minute stuff. We'll be there in 10 minutes," Maanya replied.

I was relieved that she had picked up, and I told my friends that Maanya and Trisha would be joining us soon. The atmosphere was more relaxed now that we knew they were coming.

As I put my phone away, one of my friends, Hritik, looked at me and smiled. "Ah, Ayansh must be excited to see Maanya," he said, and all my other friends started laughing. I blushed, but I didn't deny it.

Maanya was very special to me, and I couldn't help but feel excited every time I saw her.

"It's not like that, shut up jerk!" I said, a little annoyed. I wasn't going to admit anything but my friends could see right through my excuse.

I blushed again, and my friends laughed even harder. They knew that there was something between me and Maanya and they weren't about to let me get away with denying it.

Hritik and I were good friends since day one. We could trust each other, and he was like a brother to me. When it came to girls, we could never lie to each other. He knew that there was something between me and Maanya, and he wasn't going to let me deny it anymore.

"Guys, we need to go, our event's gonna start soon." My other friends chimed in, and I realized that we were running out of time.

"Ok then you guys can go Hritik and i will come with Maanya and Trisha "
I said.

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