Part 9

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.....Jaden answered with a cold tone " Jade if you stayed here since it's weekend maybe you knew what's happening

I got surprised with Jaden's sudden action then everyone was also surprise when Keith showed up , Jullien stood up and say

  " what is he doing here? aren't we allowed to bring visitors here?" 

then Jade answer Jullien

 " I didn't know we have rules in this house ? {crossing her arms}" 

then Jaden shouted at Jade with a mad face which leaves us being quit

  "Jade!!!!! Better tell your visitor to leave "

 then Keith face Jade

  "it's ok Love I will just leave

Jade would oppose to his boyfriend

 " but Love... I live in this house too let me manage them"

 then I saw Keith caressing Jade's face while telling her

 " it's ok my bad I should have not just barge in here

 I was just looking at them when I felt Reese was squishing my hand I look at her and nod to her telling her it's fine . Keith excuse himself and left the house then Jade face us all

 "happy now you embarrassed me in front of my guy?" 

then Jaden sarcastically said 

" yeah your guy who also happens to be everybody's guy {smirked}" 

then Jullien butt in too

 " you never listen Jade how can you be so blind "

 then Nicholai also spoke

 " if she will not listen to us let her face the consequences then"

 I was just listening to them when Jade rolls her eyes to them then she look at me

  " is there also you want to nag on me too Leo {sarcastic tone }?" 

I just stood up and look at her 

" I don't even know what they are talking about ,so don't drag me on that."

 I excuse my self and left them, as I look back I also saw my friends one by one leaving Jade in the dining room with Irene & Reese . I walk through the pool area where the boys also followed; then Jaden speak 

"you already knew about them? "

I nod as I say "yeah Reese told me earlier"

Jaden then chuckled " he always let Jade do his school works {sigh} always go clubbing and have fun while my sister is drowned on school works "

 I just listen to what they are saying that Jade has been into Keith since they where together she even doesn't go to eat lunch with them even dinner and when Keith will ask Jade to go on a date Jade would always pay their bill, what an asshole! Then the boys also caught Keith clubbing and kissing girls at the club, I want to get mad about it but I don't bother anymore I can see that she's happy and I can't take that away from her so I just listen and never had commented on it.

After that Sunday morning I went to the park for an early jog I saw Nicholai I blink so many time on what I saw I came close to him and hide on the bush I saw Nikki.... the Nicki we knew before his laughing but.. who's is with him I can't clearly see I was just watching him when suddenly the person that he's with stood up,a girl ?? who could that be? Maybe I'll just wait for the time if he's ready to share, I move backward and continue my jog I smile while doing my exercise I'm just happy knowing that someone broke the cold hearted Nicholai Thompson. I think I should give that girl who ever she is a reward for bringing back our Nikki.

I went home and went straight to the kitchen to drink some water where I saw Irene looking at her cellphone

 " hey sis what's wrong why do you look so frustrated?"

she look at me and say " I have some research Lee"

she smile at me, I went to her and try to look what is she doing . "you're doing your research on your phone? "

 she nodded I remembered something and tell her to wait for me she asked me why but I ran to my room quickly and get back to her and gave her something "here sis you can have it

she was surprised on what I have 

given her " why you are giving me your laptop?" 

I chuckled at her " that's my old one, dad bought me a new one and I haven't tried it yet cause I'm still using this one, but I think you much needed it

she look at me with teary eyes

 " are you sure Lee Mr. Davis might get mad at me "

 I insist her to get it "well my dad would be more mad at me if I will just keep the new one, c'mon Irene just take it you need it and besides you need to be on top too right ??" 

she stood up and hug me while she was crying and I hug her back when I heard Jullien cleared his throat

 " ehheeem what's going on here, Irene are you crying? did Leo make you cry? {mad tone}"

 Jullien was about to attack me when Irene went in the middle and smack Jullien's arms " will you stop it I was just happy because he gave me his old laptop"

 I see Jullien rubbing his arms then gave me a peace sign and laugh I go to him and pull him far from Irene "how come you didn't bother to buy Irene a laptop you know how she struggled having her research?'' 

Jullien just put his hand on his nape and said " bro do I need to check on that and beside she never complains about it" 

I smack his arms " of course she would never complain that, bro I trusted Irene to you and this is what I will know"

 he look at me and say "but I thought she's ok "

I shake my head to Jullien and look into his eyes " tell me Jullien do you really like Irene , be serious with her or you just want to just get laid"

 I was starting to get mad at him and clench my fist, one wrong answer Jullien and I will forget that you are my friend "I like her bro but you know me I don't know to you know.." 

I was shock to hear him I burst out laughing I laugh so hard that I was holding my stomach " so this playboy actually don't know how to court"

 he glares at me "stop it Lee I'm embarrassed now idiot"

I was still laughing then say " okay, okay well I'm not an expert but I can refer you to a friend"

 he ask who then I said " try to ask Jaden, you know he's courting my cousin right so ask him ".he just shake his head "no way bro, you know that he always teasing Reese"

 I just smile at him " just try to ask him so that you can court Irene, if you keep this slow bro maybe someone will steal Irene from you"

 he was about to grab me when I start to run away from him while laughing.

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