Part 45

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Jaden POV

I was happy when I ask Leo's approval it was a relief knowing that he will also go on our vacation without any arguments, I will do everything to have your forgiveness Lee, I will make also some calls to help them find Keith, I need to be extra careful now, I will protect my family from you, Keith.

I went back to CJ's room as I saw Leo kissing CJ's head and went out, I look at Reese

 " can I talk to you & Irene?"

 She nods at me and calls Irene and sits on the sofa while Maddie & Jade are playing with CJ. I look at them 

" I want to ask you guys if we could have a vacation with CJ?" 

I can see their eyes we're quite hesitant as Irene speaks

 " have you discussed this with Leo, Jaden?"

I smile at her

  "yes I already did, and he just told me to ask you for your approval too

Irene nods at me and look at Reese

 " if Leo agrees then it's fine with me, ask CJ if he wants to go"

 I look at them happily I was about to hug Reese when she immediately stood up, I was kind of embarrassed as Irene look at me, I just chuckle as Irene pats my shoulder 

"just wait a little bit longer okay?"

I weakly smiled at her then went out for a while. I take a walk outside the hospital as I called my secretary to prepare everything for our vacation. I was walking when I took a sit on an empty bench , this would take to long to forgive me specially Reese, I guess her love really fade away and replace it with anger on me, even she's with me at the hospital I felt that she does not want me there , she just want me there for my son, does she already  closed her heart for me? I want us to be a family but, I hope I can endure everything right now, specially on what she's treating me, like I'm just a stranger to her, I love you so much Reese, please give me a chance , I want us to be a family with our son, please don't give up on me, with this positivity i just told uplift my self  Jaden this is your fault you have to deal with it, right !! who am I to complain, this is nothing compare to what they have gone through, I should not get tired, just keep on waiting. I was deep in my thoughts when I notice a tear fell out of my eyes, I wipe it immediately as I startled when someone sit beside me

 " stop crying you look like a lost rabbit"

 I glare at her while I wipe my eyes with a handkerchief 

 "why are you here Jade?" 

she glared back at me she's really scary though 

" you know when I'm not at ease , I knew something is going on with you"

 I look at her then lean my back on the bench

  " yeah I guess, I just felt that I'm just pushing myself to Reese, when it's so clear to me that she hates me even Leo"

 I was surprise when Jade hugged me

 " don't overthink okay, we both know that they are both kind , it's just they need some time, look Jaden, I know your dumb sometimes ,well most of the time, but you got this, I have faith in you, bring back Reese ,build your family, what did I told you last time? Make me proud right? , this is just a test for you, you broke their trust, and all you have to do is to regain it, you can do it, we are here to support you"

I was surprise with what Jade has told me, usually she would just annoy me but now, it seems like she's older than me, well just for a minute, it's new to me so I chuckled at her

  " who are you? Where is my sister?"

 she slapped my arm and I rubbed i

  " I just don't want my nephew to grow knowing his dad is a jerk because he can't win his mom, stop sulking and go to your family ,they are waiting for you, they will discharge any minute now, I need to go back to the office," we both stood up and I kiss her forehead, 

"thank you sis" 

we both chuckle as we walk to the hospital.

Jade's POV

Me & Jaden went inside the hospital when I saw Leo 

"I thought you already left?"

he look at me

  " I was about to, when I have to pay Cj's hospital bill, but Jullien did not let me

I nod my head " I'll go ahead Lee I will go back to the company "

 I smile at him when he pulls my arm 

" wait for me at the entrance, I will drive you there, no buts Jade "

 I was to oppose but he still insists so I went out and went in his car it started to be awkward because nobody is talking, I cleared my thought and start a conversation 

" you know I have a lot of body guards to drive me there"

 he looks at his mirror and back to the road

 " you know that it would not make me worried if I will be the one who will drive you there"

I look at him and felt heat on my cheeks, oh my god I think I'm blushing so I went to face the window 

"thank you then"

 I heard him chuckle " are you okay?" 

I look at him

 " yeah I am, just thinking of the presentations later"

 he nod as he was looking at the road

 "can I invite you to dinner later? that is ,if you are not busy"

 I was surprised at what he told me but, it's nice to catch up things with him, so I agreed,

 "so I'll pick you up later then"

 I went inside the company and went to my office I was still thinking about him asking me for dinner, Is it a date? Oh god Jade he just want to catch up okay nothing more. I got startled when my secretary came in

 "Ms. Jade, you will have a meeting in 10 minutes & you have a dinner Meeting with the Barons, regarding the equipment's that the company ordered" 

I look at my secretary " re schedule my meeting with the Barons or ask dad to attend to it, I will have dinner later with a friend

my secretary agreed and when she went out , I smiled widely.

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