Chapter 1

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In the heart of Konoha, where the scent of cherry blossoms lingered in the air, Uzumaki Boruto found himself inexplicably drawn to the Uchiha Sarada compound. As he wandered through its serene grounds, he stumbled upon her, meeting her dark eyes alight with determination as she practiced in the training grounds.

Boruto watched in awe as Sarada effortlessly weaved through her techniques, her movements fluid and precise. Mesmerized by her skill and beauty, Boruto couldn't tear his gaze away, feeling a strange fluttering in his chest that he couldn't quite explain.
His heart beating fast as if it were about to burst out, he thought to himself *why am I getting so nervous seeing her??, Oh God she's so pretty👀, wait why is she so pretty suddenly* he was staring at her for long not even realising it.

Sarada sensed his presence and turned to face him, her expression guarded yet curious. Boruto flashed her a grin, his usual bravado masking the nervous flutter in his stomach.

"Hey, Sarada!!" Boruto greeted, trying to sound casual despite the rapid beat of his heart. He wants to hide somewhere as he felt his cheeks warming up , he probably looked like a tomato......

Sarada regarded him with a raised eyebrow, her lips quirking into a small smile. "What are you doing here, Boruto?"

Boruto shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool. "Just exploring. What about you? Training for the next Chunin exams?"

Sarada nodded, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. "Something like that."

Despite the brief encounter, Boruto couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting was more than just a coincidence. Little did he know, their paths were destined to intertwine in ways neither of them could have imagined.

In the days that followed, Boruto found himself drawn to Sarada like a moth to a flame. He sought out every opportunity to spend time with her, whether it was training together in the village or sharing quiet moments beneath the starlit sky.

He laid on his bed staring at his ceiling in the dark, suddenly his thoughts were all about Sarada when he closes his eyes all he could see is her. All this 17 years they spent together he never felt something like for her but he suddenly thinks she's gotton more pretty and her smile is the prettiest in Konoha.
With all this thoughts he went to sleep without realising it.

*Next morning*

Boruto still in his bed heard a knock on his door revealing his kid sister Himawari who has come to wake him up for the day.

"Onichann, wake up or you'll be late for your meeting with your team" said Himawari,

"Five minutes more Hima" Boruto told Himawari , a minute later he suddenly heard his sister chanting "locked on" he knew what those words meant je suddenly jumped up his bed and said "I'm awake, I'm awake ,Hima, chill pls calm down my cute lil sister"

Himawari left his room he got up and took a shower dressed in his casual clothes, he went down for breakfast and left with Himawari as she was also a genin by now.......

*At their meeting spot*

Sarada was damn! pissed as her and Mitsuki waited for Boruto to finally show his ass there and the moment he final arrived, Sarada marched towards him holding him by the collar of his perfectly ironed shirt, almost revealing his chest as his starting 3 buttons were unbuttoned........

Boruto screamed at her unexpected gesture as he knew he would get a good scolding but never expected her to choke him like that.

"You are freaking 15mins late Boruto , during understand the value of those 15mins which I lost as you decided to show up late , come on Baka just grow up already will you?" Scolded Sarada

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