chapter 3

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Team 7 is back at konoha gates and Sarada went to the Hokage's office to submit a report for the mission and Boruto was walking across the village along with Mitsuki.

Soon after Mitsuki stopped on his track and turned to Boruto who was walking a little behind him , Boruto looked up to his friend's face waiting for an explanation.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Asked Boruto

"I was just wondering why are you avoiding someone all of a sudden? Is it because you can't control yourself or are you afraid?" Snake boy questioned

Boruto stared at his friend blankly not knowing what to say, Nothing receiving a reply Mitsuki turned back and started walking while Boruto followed .

After a minute of silence Boruto opened his mouth saying "I'm not avoiding her I just don't know what's happening to me I know I might like her but I'm really afraid what if she doesn't like me like that.....I mean I'm sure she doesn't like me cuz cuz....." He couldn't say what was struck onto his mouth, it felt so heavy for him to speak.

Snake boy gave his sun his everyday calming smile and left saying "You must rest now..... Next time you tell me about her I'm sure she'll be your girlfriend"

"Hnnn?? stop joking that's not gonna happen " Boruto saw Mitsuki already far from his sight leaving him on the street alone.

*At Sarada's house*

Sarada was reading a fiction book which she loved but today she wasn't interested in it as her mind was lingering in the past about all that happened between her and Boruto in their last mission.


It was a peaceful night with a full moon on their way back to konoha from the Hidden Mist. Team 7 rested under a huge tree for the night. Mitsuki was checking their surroundings while Boruto and Sarada sat down the tree staring at sky.

Sarada loved staring at the stars and Boruto did what he loved he was staring at her side profile, her perfect jaw, her deep black hair flowing with the direction of air while her onyx black eyes shined like the universe itself.

Uchiha princess looked at the uzamaki prince from the corner of her eyes . They stared into each other's eyes until Sarada broke the silence asking him something he could have never imagined.

"Boruto.., you have been staring at me so long" blue eyes panicked as he thought what to reply, before he could say anything Sarada bombered him with another question

"Do you like me, like more than a friend?" Asked the Uchiha girl with her poker face which she inherited from her father.

Blue eyes panicked more as she kept staring into his soul his heart beating so fast that he could no longer hear anything around him, everything went blank, but then he gained back his senses and replied back.

"What are you talking about you are my bestfriend dattebasa. I mean I'm not having any other thing I swear I'm not thinking about you like that" he answered (lied) as he didn't get the vibe that Sarada liked him like that.

Disappointed by the answer Sarada turned her gaze back to the stars and thought to herself *I guess I was the idiot expecting something else as a answer" her mood real bad , holding back her tears, she stood up without a word and walked back to the tent to rest.

*End of flashback*

*In the present*

"That baka what's wrong with him now, he've been avoiding me since that night" she talked to herself.

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