chapter 4

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Sarada and Boruto stood before the shimmering crystal, their hearts raced with excitement and anticipation. The soft glow cast by the crystal bathed them in an otherworldly light, illuminating the chamber with its ethereal beauty.

Boruto couldn't tear his gaze away from Sarada, her silhouette bathed in the gentle radiance of the crystal. "Sarada, this feels like something out of a dream," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've never felt so alive."

Sarada turned to him, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of awe and wonder. "It's like we've stumbled upon a treasure beyond our wildest imagination," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "And we get to explore it together."

When Sarada realised what she just said she turned to face the other side as she was blushing so was he , stealing glances at each other.

With a shared smile, Boruto reached out to touch the crystal, Sarada held his wrist "Don't touch it baka we don't know what might happen if we did touch it"

"You're right , but I can't control myself Sarada, it's so beautiful just like you" his slipping mouth spit the truth making him go silent and turning his gaze away. Sarada's face was the darkest shade of red when he said that.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful??" Asked the Uchiha, she couldn't look him in the eyes but was looking upto him for any expressions still blushing like ever.

"I would be lying if I said no. You are the most beautiful girl I know dattebasa" replied her baka , rubbing the back of his neck , embarrassed how to look her in th eye.

They both kept stealing glances at each other none ready to speak or go further . Boruto being the extrovert initiated the convo and decided look further to see what more in the cave .

They were already at the dead end of the cave with the chamber with the crystal 🔮  Sarada's eyes were on the mesmerizing beauty of the crystal with a slight blush on her face remembering what the blond told her earlier.

Boruto looked at her silent pink face , thinking what good deeds did he do in the past to find a beauty like her. He thought to himself if he should consider telling her his feeling for her.

Since there was nothing more to watch they decided not to tell anyone about this beautiful crystal for the time being.

As they were out of the cave now the seting sun in their sight, Sarada proposed that they go home for today, when Boruto decided *now or never*
He held her wrist from behind, making her look confused and question what he's upto.

He slowly exited his grip on her hand and let go of it, the Uchiha silently stared at the Uzumaki, his nervous face looked no where at Sarada but the ground, she noticed his hands trembling which made her worry of what really is bothering him and what she can do for him to be his usual self back.

Without a second thought she placed her one hand on his cheeks making him go red, now he stared at her and not the ground.

Looking into his eyes "why are you only like this when I'm with you , what is it that's worrying you, what is it that you are afraid to let me know" tears forming in her eyes which made him speak up

"Sa-Sara" before he could finish she pulled him by the collor smashing onto him , he felt warmth on his lips realising what was happening, she kissed him without any hesitation, yes she did he was so shocked he didn't do anything when she pulled back, he still looked so shock making the girl go pink.

Minutes passed by but he won't say anything but just stare at her. She felt disappointed did he really not like her? Was she the only one in love all this time? She was flooded with all the insecure thoughts in her mind.

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